Hockey Discussions > Squirt Hockey

Half-Ice for 10U

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Will USA Hockey push 10U to half ice next?

I can't imagine these 10U teams from Washington will complete with the 10U teams playing full ice.

So glad we are done with Squirts before it goes half ice!  There is plenty of time in practice for cross ice and small ice games, but arguing for half ice at squirts is just admitting that cross ice for mites did not prepare kids to become squirts. 

When the rest of the Seattle area went to small-ice for 8U, Armstrong's association pulled out of the league for a year so their kids could play full ice.  For him to be pumping small ice for 10U is a real turnaround.

This year we have a team of all Mites (2008s) playing up in Squirt and they currently sit 7th out of 24 teams in SQB.  There is no way these kids should be playing cross-ice.

Half the 2nd place team was supposed to play mites!


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