Hockey Discussions > Midget Hockey

16U A teams for 2017-2018 in SCAHA?


Just checking out the Club Declarations for the SCAHA 2017/18 Season & noticed there are 5 clubs (Ducks, Heat, Goldrush, Empire, and Pasadena) declaring 16U A teams. So is SCHAHA encouraging clubs to ditch HS Hockey and go back to 16U A & 18U A teams? 

Clubs are not ditching HS; Parents/players are ditching clubs/scaha /caha because when balancing the costs of HS Hockey and AA hockey there is no comparison.

Once you realize that this is primarily going to be for fun (as it had started out to be years ago), the camaraderie and social aspects of playing with and for your school are more important.

Puck Yeah:
Not every kid wants to skate 5 or 6 days a week and has hopes of playing higher level hockey.  If that is the case why wouldn't a teen want to skate for his school? A letterman jacket, pep rallys, some recognition as an athlete and most importantly High School Girls.

The problem seems to be developing a balance between club and HS hockey.  This isn't Minnesota there doesn't seem to be enough skaters for both HS and for a feeder system for AA and AAA players.  Sad but it seems to be the reality.


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