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Author Topic: Skill development coaches for skating, stick time, shooting for Bantam level  (Read 7946 times)


  • Mite
  • *
  • Posts: 31
  • LR Justice +4/-6

As we all know, coaches, rightfully so, mostly focus on team oriented plays, systems etc. in practices. Individual skill development being the responsibility of the player & the parent. What are some of the best coaches for individual skill development (skating, stick time, shooting etc.) at Bantam AA, AAA level with in 30 miles of Anaheim.

Skating: Some say, figure skating coaches are better than hockey skating coaches. While some others swear by hockey skating experts like the one that recently moved from Yorba Linda Ice.

Stick time: As one of our friend says " you gotta feed the pig" and work with the team coach to get ice time. While others suggest work with $60 per session (+ rink fee) and work with.

Shooting: Shooting at home in the yard is always an option provided your neighbors understand and you aren't emotionally attached to your windows. Are their other options.

It would be gr8 to hear some specific names for skating, stick time, shooting lessons. What not use our power as consumers to share our positive experiences and more importantly stay away from some that are over hyped, over priced, or simply bad. Enlighten us with your experiences.


  • Squirt
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  • Posts: 69
  • LR Justice +7/-7
Our primary focus has been and always will be on ice hockey however we put our son into a summer recreational roller league for the first time just for fun. We had always heard rumors that roller hockey forces better stick handling due to the slow nature of the puck. I don't want to open up a debate regarding roller vs ice but our son is getting better with his stick, getting exercise, and having fun. Those stick skills will easily transfer to ice.


  • Mite
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  • Posts: 31
  • LR Justice +6/-5
There is a new coach with the Jr. Kings, Erik Lektorp who recently came to the U.S. from Sweden where he played and coached professional hockey. He runs some amazing skating clinics at TSC. He is also running a skating camp in September. I think the info is still in the clinics and camps section of this site.


  • Mite
  • *
  • Posts: 31
  • LR Justice +4/-6

Thank you very much. I contacted Erik and got skating camp details. Thank you once again.

There is a new coach with the Jr. Kings, Erik Lektorp who recently came to the U.S. from Sweden where he played and coached professional hockey. He runs some amazing skating clinics at TSC. He is also running a skating camp in September. I think the info is still in the clinics and camps section of this site.