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Author Topic: The CAHA AA Flight system sucks again (2019 Bantam AA Edition)  (Read 129993 times)


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Re: The CAHA AA Flight system sucks again (2019 Bantam AA Edition)
« Reply #225 on: August 30, 2021, 02:34:35 PM »
Blades.   I know the cons of not getting vaxed.   For some, death.  For others 3-6 months on disability, lost wages, financial ruin - losing their house, and their families have to scramble to survive.   I actually know two people that are / have experienced these cons of not getting vaxed. (one of the two died), and the other - well lets just say their life blew up as they knew it.   Those are some Hefty cons for the unlucky few,  These cons are not what I read on the internet, or what someone told me.  This is first hand news i have personally seen.

What are the pros?  I have personally seen none.


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Re: The CAHA AA Flight system sucks again (2019 Bantam AA Edition)
« Reply #226 on: August 30, 2021, 04:21:39 PM »
I've avoided saying "Talk to my dead uncle" here... but yeah. Talk to my dead uncle. From Covid.

Hockey sophist

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Re: The CAHA AA Flight system sucks again (2019 Bantam AA Edition)
« Reply #227 on: August 30, 2021, 06:23:10 PM »
Blades, if the 3 pharma firms created the virus so they could make ten billion each, your argument might have merit.   They did not and they were induced by the last guy in the White House to work feverishly to create a vaccine that seems to work well with minimal and rare side effects.  What is your problem?   

Knuckle Puck

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Re: The CAHA AA Flight system sucks again (2019 Bantam AA Edition)
« Reply #228 on: August 30, 2021, 07:00:02 PM »
The one thing you (or the government) can't do is force anyone to get vaccinated.
it can if you want your kid to attend school:


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Re: The CAHA AA Flight system sucks again (2019 Bantam AA Edition)
« Reply #229 on: August 30, 2021, 08:53:46 PM »
Vaccination carries a 4x increase in myocarditis.  Don't pile on ne. I got vaccinated in the first round in CA.  I just think people can hear information on both sides and make a decision. I'm still first in line for the booster.
« Last Edit: August 30, 2021, 08:54:55 PM by Landshark »


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Re: The CAHA AA Flight system sucks again (2019 Bantam AA Edition)
« Reply #230 on: August 30, 2021, 09:09:44 PM »
Soo…. Any predictions on the upcoming Labor Day tournament in Anaheim and Valencia?  😀


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Re: The CAHA AA Flight system sucks again (2019 Bantam AA Edition)
« Reply #231 on: August 30, 2021, 09:34:37 PM »
Soo…. Any predictions on the upcoming Labor Day tournament in Anaheim and Valencia?  😀

I suspect there will be some winners and some losers.

Change my mind.


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Re: The CAHA AA Flight system sucks again (2019 Bantam AA Edition)
« Reply #232 on: August 31, 2021, 07:39:04 AM »
I suspect there will be some winners and some losers.

Change my mind.

They all get to play...for now, so all winners in my book.


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Re: The CAHA AA Flight system sucks again (2019 Bantam AA Edition)
« Reply #233 on: August 31, 2021, 08:30:32 AM »

I am really sorry to hear for your loss or any loss for that matter, I truly am, but I must point out that this is your personal experience.  I never went remote with my job like a lot of people, so I have seen my fair share of cases both through work, friends and hockey all last year.  I probably know 175-200 people by now that have gotten this thing in the last 19 months, not one has died.  I fully realize people do though.  I will say that I have had some friends get pretty sick.  That is just my experience though, I am not a denier in any way of this thing, as much as this reply might imply.  A lot of people have died (600K+), but a lot have survived (almost 31M) in the US alone.  I think that certain aspects are being misrepresented or even cherry picked if you will, especially in regards to kids. 

Blades.   I know the cons of not getting vaxed.   For some, death. 
This is going to sound brutal but no other way to say it, 98% survive this thing, and that is taking into account ALL Americans. Look up the data for yourself. Most who succumb to this are elderly or have comorbidities (it is funny that this argument is now allowed for vaxxed people who are hospitalized or die but could not be used at all just a short year ago prior to the vaccine).  Most, but I do realize there are deaths in the lower age range as well, I see the stories in the news too.  Still, the younger, healthier you are, the greater the survival rate to where the data is even showing that 50 and younger are well over 99%.
For others 3-6 months on disability, lost wages, financial ruin - losing their house, and their families have to scramble to survive.   I actually know two people that are / have experienced these cons of not getting vaxed. (one of the two died), and the other - well lets just say their life blew up as they knew it.   You could say the same about the restrictions and lockdowns.  It financially ruined far more IMO.  We have lost our minds a bit when it comes to this response.  The eviction order alone demonstrates that.  Tenants can't be evicted but landlords can be foreclosed on???  What about the social aspect of these kids?  Suicide and mental health issues are up in teenage kids, for something that has a less than 1% chance for them.  So many negatives not being thought about with our actions on this.

Those are some Hefty cons for the unlucky few,  These cons are not what I read on the internet, or what someone told me.  This is first hand news i have personally seen.  Again, personal experiences differ.  And unfortunately, depending on the news source (on both sides I might add), it is so hard to know what to believe.  If you watch MSM, you might think Florida and Texas are will be empty plains when this is all over, but the mortality rate in both Cali and New York are almost a full point higher than both of these states with their death rate, and I would bet they are more vaxxed too.  That's weird...  Even weirder, look at Hawaii.  Most years, on average 600 people die from influenza/ pneumonia.  In the last 19 months, 589 people have died from COVID there.  Hmm.  Why the irrational stance on mandating this vaccine then?  I am all for a vaccine.  Make it available, first proving beyond a doubt that it is in fact safe (I mean long term) and it works (see breakthrough cases, transmissibility AND deaths), and let people decide their own risk.  We do it everyday with most things in life, but somehow with this, we are trying to get to absolute zero with cases.  It will never happen.  There are plenty of credible, award winning, pioneers in the science and medical field who have been trying to say and show all of these things, but are being shunned and silenced.  That is most disturbing to me, all logic seems to be gone and people just pick sides, including our own scientific/ medical community.

What are the pros?  I have personally seen none. 
  • Natural antibodies?  Israel's recent study (700K people I might add) showed that natural antibodies were 13x higher than those of vaxxed individuals.  13x.
  • Myocarditis risk greatly increased from the vaccine, especially in younger males.  I don't want that for my kids. 
  • Not wondering what long term effects could come of this shot?  Personally, I would love to have been able to wait for Novavax or one of the other 3 traditional vaccines out there.  Sadly, it for whatever reason, is not being released in this county and the mandates/ walls seem to be closing in. 
  • Having a fully staffed hospital, a fully staffed police/ fire dept or even fully staffed military.  What is worse, giving someone the abiltiy to choose but willing to stay in it and fight the good fight?  Or just having them quit and not be there at all when needed? 
I've avoided saying "Talk to my dead uncle" here... but yeah. Talk to my dead uncle. From Covid.  Very sorry for your loss.

« Last Edit: August 31, 2021, 10:15:22 AM by JagrBomb »


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Re: The CAHA AA Flight system sucks again (2019 Bantam AA Edition)
« Reply #234 on: August 31, 2021, 10:11:32 AM »
Was able to chase down the scores of the remaining scrimmages this weekend and was told of a couple of more that took place.  Anyone else know of more?

Flyers 1 vs Wave 1                  4-4 tie
Bears vs Ducks 1                  4-2 Bears
Wave 2 vs Pats                          3-0 Wave 2
GSE 2 vs Blackhawks                  6-2 GSE 2
Kings 2 vs Flyers 2                    8-0 Kings 2

Bears must have played Ducks 2 (team out of Lakewood). Ducks 1 is out of Great Park ice (Vasilevski team) and has not had any scrimmages yet.


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Re: The CAHA AA Flight system sucks again (2019 Bantam AA Edition)
« Reply #235 on: August 31, 2021, 10:44:16 AM »
Was able to chase down the scores of the remaining scrimmages this weekend and was told of a couple of more that took place.  Anyone else know of more?

Flyers 1 vs Wave 1                  4-4 tie
Bears vs Ducks 1                  4-2 Bears
Wave 2 vs Pats                          3-0 Wave 2
GSE 2 vs Blackhawks                  6-2 GSE 2
Kings 2 vs Flyers 2                    8-0 Kings 2

Bears must have played Ducks 2 (team out of Lakewood). Ducks 1 is out of Great Park ice (Vasilevski team) and has not had any scrimmages yet.

Weird as that is what I was told but you are correct it seems.  Apologies.


  • Peewee
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Re: The CAHA AA Flight system sucks again (2019 Bantam AA Edition)
« Reply #236 on: August 31, 2021, 11:13:57 AM »
JagrBomb.  I can see the points you make.   I would not want to get covid as a way of immunity vs a shot though.  The shot seems to do its job and keeps people from getting severely ill. And its far safer imo.

Personally I view Covid vax as an insurance policy.   Do I really need it?  Probably not - most of the points you make support that I probably do not need it in the grand scheme of things.  The stats say - even if I get it. my survival rate at my age - given the healthcare system has a place for me and can treat me w/o having to make some hard supply shortage choices - .  probably over 90-95%.

Viewed from a perspective of insurance.    In a year, if one in 10 fires results in a destroyed home, 0.03% of individual homes are destroyed by fire. The chances of a home being burned down would be approximately one in 3000.     Even better odds.   Yet people pay for home insurance and fire coverage as standard practice.   They would call you crazy if you did not.   Too much is at stake to bet against it happening - even at those odds.   

the average cost of insurance is approx. 1500 per year.   Compounding that over 10 years at 10% with moderate risk gives you approx 30k.  If never needed, what a waste.  but if needed, wow!  my $150k house is covered and I can walk away w/o owing a dime.   I choose to not look at the 30k price tag, i look at what it buys in the event your house burns down.

This is how i look at it.   No shot = take the self insured route.  And a lot of people can afford that path for sure.

Having said all that, JagrBomb - your points are well made for that position.


  • Peewee
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Re: The CAHA AA Flight system sucks again (2019 Bantam AA Edition)
« Reply #237 on: August 31, 2021, 11:39:58 AM »
 See - we can almost agree on disagreeable....

 There are millions of people who are encouraged/"forced" to get a shot - and they already had virus and recovered successfully. Partially known facts. But there might be something in the future...
 Consequences of the shot - mostly unknown - I wonder if there is a spike in heart attacks (mostly among seniors, e.g.) or strokes or anything similar in the next few years - would we even know  - from general public knowledge prospective? Would they be able to decipher  - that it's from the vaccine? Would they tell us?
 So - comparison with fire insurance - would work - if in certain cases insurance company won't pay you - and you do not know exact probability of those cases.

 This is from CDC site:
"Since April 2021, increased cases of myocarditis and pericarditis have been reported in the United States after mRNA COVID-19 vaccination (Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna), particularly in adolescents and young adults. There has not been a similar reporting pattern observed after receipt of the Janssen COVID-19 Vaccine (Johnson & Johnson).
In most cases, patients who presented for medical care have responded well to medications and rest and had prompt improvement of symptoms. Reported cases have occurred predominantly in male adolescents and young adults 16 years of age and older. Onset was typically within several days after mRNA COVID-19 vaccination, and cases have occurred more often after the second dose than the first dose. CDC and its partners are investigating these reports of myocarditis and pericarditis following mRNA COVID-19 vaccination."

 Ans yes, personal experience matter - I knew at the time quite well one young man and one girl who died in separate car crashes before reaching 25.
 I still do not know anyone who died from Covid - I know quite a few who got it and recovered. And none around me have been living in bunkers during last year.
 And I know, I know that so many people die in car crashes and so many died of virus - but if I go by my experience I'd say - don't let them drive before 25 (risks are high - correct), or don't let them drive when I drive with my kids - as they increase chances of collision dramatically. But we don't do that  - why we do that here.

It's critically overplayed - and with time maybe we'd see that. To JagrBomb point  - I do know family where girl 15 year old after sitting one HS at home asked for mental help and even had suicidal thoughts. Totally normal family - middle class, no "pre-conditions". She could not meet her closest girl friends for the following reason - their parents went paranoid and did not let them out for a year.

There are all sides of the coin - but the one that gets a certain media attention/coverage  - are getting in majority of minds.

Imagine - they'll start talking mental health, with examples, suicidal rates, crying parents on TV etc,  - every day for year - and virus would get mild coverage (kind of - it's a flu season, no numbers, no hysteria)  - you'll storm the school to get opened, you'll call sitting at home people crazy and devastating to their kids etc.etc.       
« Last Edit: August 31, 2021, 02:02:30 PM by alfirst »


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Re: The CAHA AA Flight system sucks again (2019 Bantam AA Edition)
« Reply #238 on: August 31, 2021, 11:43:11 AM »

Weird as that is what I was told but you are correct it seems.  Apologies.

The name change is throwing everyone off. Last season, Gasseau's team was the Ducks Peewee AA 1 and Vasilevski was 2. This year it has switched. Vasilevski is Bantam AA 1 and Sandy's team is 2.


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Re: The CAHA AA Flight system sucks again (2019 Bantam AA Edition)
« Reply #239 on: August 31, 2021, 12:05:00 PM »

JagrBomb.  I can see the points you make.   I would not want to get covid as a way of immunity vs a shot though.  The shot seems to do its job and keeps people from getting severely ill. And its far safer imo.

Personally I view Covid vax as an insurance policy.   Do I really need it?  Probably not - most of the points you make support that I probably do not need it in the grand scheme of things.  The stats say - even if I get it. my survival rate at my age - given the healthcare system has a place for me and can treat me w/o having to make some hard supply shortage choices - .  probably over 90-95%.

Viewed from a perspective of insurance.    In a year, if one in 10 fires results in a destroyed home, 0.03% of individual homes are destroyed by fire. The chances of a home being burned down would be approximately one in 3000.     Even better odds.   Yet people pay for home insurance and fire coverage as standard practice.   They would call you crazy if you did not.   Too much is at stake to bet against it happening - even at those odds.   

the average cost of insurance is approx. 1500 per year.   Compounding that over 10 years at 10% with moderate risk gives you approx 30k.  If never needed, what a waste.  but if needed, wow!  my $150k house is covered and I can walk away w/o owing a dime.   I choose to not look at the 30k price tag, i look at what it buys in the event your house burns down.

This is how i look at it.   No shot = take the self insured route.  And a lot of people can afford that path for sure.

Having said all that, JagrBomb - your points are well made for that position.

I have to say, this is quite a refreshing reply in today's age of social media and platforms like these.  A respectful discussion and understanding of each other's side, even if the two walk away no closer to resolution.  I know everything I have said I would say to you in person and am confident by your response that you would do the same, I feel these platforms have actually hurt us as a society the last 10 years or so.  Stick taps to you. 

I could keep going with points as I am sure you could as well, but at the end of the day, I would just like to be able to choose on something like this for my kids as I do the flu vaccine.  Not all get it and many have their reasons, but they have the choice.

Anyways, back to hockey, we need to enjoy it while it lasts. 
  • For Anaheim, I am intrigued to see what GSE 1, Reign and OCHC do as I know nothing about them.  I know Sharks beat Blackhawks pretty good but not sure what that means.  Haha!  Thinking a GSE v Bears final but this is a completely blind guess.
  • For Valencia, I think Flyers 1 have the upper hand here for sure but don't know much about Vegas.  Kings 2 intrigue me with the season they had last year but not sure how that will translate to playing bigger, stronger kids in a checking game.  Only one way to find out.

« Last Edit: August 31, 2021, 01:35:29 PM by JagrBomb »