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Author Topic: Kid who moved from the Flyers to the Kings  (Read 6207 times)


  • Mite
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Kid who moved from the Flyers to the Kings
« on: March 04, 2020, 01:08:22 AM »
I am the dad of the kid who moved from the Flyers to the Kings. No enticements. No recruiting. No promises. The day we were verbally assaulted in front of our son and then watched our 12 year son get berated by the Flyers PWAA head coach when our son simply asked his coach if he could meet him and talk, we left the team.  Plain and simple. Any other story out there is untrue. We teach our son to treat others with respect and we expect a head coach to demonstrate leadership qualities especially in front of his 12 year old player. Wasn't the first time this occurred but it was definitely going to be the last time. After we left, the Flyers PWAA head coach sent an email to our son apologizing for his actions. Nothing to gain other than an important lesson for our son: Nothing in life is worth more than your own self-respect for the way you allow yourself to be treated.Whatever positive impact our son could have offered the rest of this Flyer's season, parents can give those dirty looks to their coach. >:(    
« Last Edit: March 04, 2020, 01:14:17 AM by DangleSnipeCelly »