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Author Topic: Tryouts are pushed agaoin  (Read 94363 times)


  • Mite
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Re: Tryouts are pushed agaoin
« Reply #30 on: July 17, 2020, 06:36:26 PM »
Easiest thing to do is to declare all practices and games as protests and get instant approval and support from the governor and health boards.  Might get suspicious with no looting or assaults though.


  • Peewee
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  • LR Justice +49/-47
Re: Tryouts are pushed agaoin
« Reply #31 on: July 17, 2020, 09:07:28 PM »
Easiest thing to do is to declare all practices and games as protests and get instant approval and support from the governor and health boards.  Might get suspicious with no looting or assaults though.

Replace pucks with bricks and we'll be good.


  • Peewee
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Re: Tryouts are pushed agaoin
« Reply #32 on: July 18, 2020, 02:47:09 PM »
Easiest thing to do is to declare all practices and games as protests and get instant approval and support from the governor and health boards.  Might get suspicious with no looting or assaults though.

One of the best comments in a while


  • Peewee
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  • LR Justice +40/-61
Re: Tryouts are pushed agaoin
« Reply #33 on: July 19, 2020, 09:05:39 AM »
JackBender - that's exactly my point - let's play some hockey  - for those who are willing to do it.
Those stick times/lessons/wanna-be-practices/camps are pretty full - people/kids are longing to have some sort of a season - and I think most of them understand
that some restrictions will be imposed and that would not be your normal season; some are reluctant to do much travel (especially by air)
but still to stall everything for the sake of those who would play only if... what - vaccinated? - does not seem right at all.
I can't relocate just because of hockey or just out of the blue - it's just crazy - there should be some sort of resolution locally...

And on the other point - about coaches knowing 90% of the team - when core stays - yes, when coach stays  - yes. But there's some movement in both coaching and
players camps - so some teams might not be formed even 50%+ - again, if there is no season all that does not matter - but if there is it's better be some resolution around the corner.

I would simply say,

Worst thing is uncertainty - let's create return to play plan - CAHA/SCAHA - common!!!

Not a bad idea?.   The real issue is litigation.   In a State where contact based indoor youth sports has not been approved, people are pushing to still have games - its prohibition time - but its not for the sake of booze - its for the sake of sports - and your kids will become bullets in the game of Russian roulette.   Not all sports are created equal as well.   I would imagine something like golf, or tennis, will be allowed before soccer, which will most likely be allowed before football, basketball, or indoor hockey.  Mass. rates indoor hockey as the highest risk youth sport in terms of COVID along with others - the LAST sport to bring back - not the first.

There is little doubt kids will be fine with COVID - they bounce unlike adults.  Unsuspecting parents may not be so well off.  Parents that have been told not to worry and that things are really over blown - its just a flu - lets play hockey!!   As an interesting side node, there are cases where parents and teachers have died due to infection.  They were walking around just fine 30 days ago and now they are dead and never coming back - ever.  If you talk to the relatives and friends of these families who had gone through that - you may find a vastly different perspective on priorities.  They may view our group as part of the problem - and in no way contributing to beating this thing.

On paper, its a game of red light / green light.   All our state had to do was play 'red light' for about 30 to 45 days - the virus cannot survive outside of people.  And the only way to keep it going is through people.  As you can see - we played the game horribly.  A simple game - and we could not even get that right.  Here we are over 100 days later, still contemplating a complete lockdown. 

I digress though.   Back to the civil and litigious aspect of this.  In the end, you may be right - little harm - no foul.   But in the off chance that a group of people test positive for COVID, and it results in a couple of deaths as a direct result of your "team activity" - that is not currently condoned by the state - you, the team, the coach, the rink, and all other parents involved - will be in the direct line of fire legally, I hope you have very very deep pockets at that point.  Even if you feel that you did everything by the book

Some people think that their insurance will cover them (umbrellas for all).  But you will find out that insurance companies will NOT cover any scenario like this.  They will not touch this with a 20 foot pole

This should tell you something about the real risk that people are ignoring.

Also,  if the fatality rate (seems to be 1% to 3%) does not bother you. You are the type of person that will happily fly an airline where 1 out of every 100 flights crashes and burns.   Or where an intersection of traffic kills 1 out of 100 people that cross it - you will be right there - crossing it multiple times a day.

I feel my kid will be just fine,  hockey is off the table until heath officials give us the green light - in the mean time - we do family things.  Read books.  Barb-q in the back yard.  Play cards.  Playing hockey games is looooooow on the list of things needed to get done at the moment.


  • Peewee
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  • LR Justice +40/-61
Re: Tryouts are pushed agaoin
« Reply #34 on: July 19, 2020, 09:30:04 AM »
The problem with this change in course, is that SCAHA voters took it upon themselves to step outside of their area of expertise and meddle in matters that are entirely outside of their charter.  The fact that some rinks are closed and there is uncertainty around their reopening is not SCAHA's problem, but they've used this as an excuse to further delay the organization of teams for the upcoming season, when that is not their job. 

I don't think that it is likely that municipally owned rinks will open anytime soon, or open at all this year, considering the priorities of local city governments.  Did this even cross their minds when they decided to scuttle the already late-to-the-game team tryout schedule in the name of "fairness"?  What certainty will exist in October, that doesn't exist now?  And while we are at it, when was SCAHA ever concerned with leveling the playing field beyond the protectionism of PDR?  Sounds like bullshit rationalization to me.

As is the case every season, most veteran coaches have already identified at least 90% of their roster.  Sure there's a little bit of suspense as to whether a few kids might upgrade or downgrade a letter, or switch clubs, but these clubs would all benefit from signing rosters, which then allows free agents to find a landing spot they didn't expect, or move on to other clubs, and so on down the line.   

The August dates were never great, given the proximity to what for many kids will now be the start of "virtual school" but to take away any chance for team boot camps and practices in August, and the traditional pre-season practices, scrimmages and tournaments, is about as tone deaf a response to what most people are looking for as I can recall, and that's saying something. 

With so much uncertainty around travel outside the state, the least they could have done is provided a platform for teams to figure out what the new normal will look like this season, when realistically, there's not much else for people to do other than hunker down in their homes.  It as if the SCAHA board are more interested in finding ways to scuttle SoCal hockey this season than they are in supporting the clubs and rinks as they figure out how to make things work.     

I like that idea, lets activity figure out how to subvert CA heath policy.


  • Peewee
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Re: Tryouts are pushed agaoin
« Reply #35 on: July 19, 2020, 11:29:44 AM »
The problem with this change in course, is that SCAHA voters took it upon themselves to step outside of their area of expertise and meddle in matters that are entirely outside of their charter.  The fact that some rinks are closed and there is uncertainty around their reopening is not SCAHA's problem, but they've used this as an excuse to further delay the organization of teams for the upcoming season, when that is not their job. 

I don't think that it is likely that municipally owned rinks will open anytime soon, or open at all this year, considering the priorities of local city governments.  Did this even cross their minds when they decided to scuttle the already late-to-the-game team tryout schedule in the name of "fairness"?  What certainty will exist in October, that doesn't exist now?  And while we are at it, when was SCAHA ever concerned with leveling the playing field beyond the protectionism of PDR?  Sounds like bullshit rationalization to me.

As is the case every season, most veteran coaches have already identified at least 90% of their roster.  Sure there's a little bit of suspense as to whether a few kids might upgrade or downgrade a letter, or switch clubs, but these clubs would all benefit from signing rosters, which then allows free agents to find a landing spot they didn't expect, or move on to other clubs, and so on down the line.   

The August dates were never great, given the proximity to what for many kids will now be the start of "virtual school" but to take away any chance for team boot camps and practices in August, and the traditional pre-season practices, scrimmages and tournaments, is about as tone deaf a response to what most people are looking for as I can recall, and that's saying something. 

With so much uncertainty around travel outside the state, the least they could have done is provided a platform for teams to figure out what the new normal will look like this season, when realistically, there's not much else for people to do other than hunker down in their homes.  It as if the SCAHA board are more interested in finding ways to scuttle SoCal hockey this season than they are in supporting the clubs and rinks as they figure out how to make things work.     

I like that idea, lets activity figure out how to subvert CA heath policy.

Except the fatality rate in this instance is about an order of magnitude lower than your number, and for people under 20 it's statistically 0, which is something we should be celebrating rather than mourning.  If we are really concerned about the kids, then all sports and social activity (including education) should be banned permanently given that their risks from seasonal influenza (and even lightning strikes) is so much greater.  If what we are really reacting to is fear for ourselves then let's be honest about that, and let those who feel their families are at too great a risk decide accordingly.  To use your example, we don't ban airplanes because some people are afraid to fly. 


  • Peewee
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Re: Tryouts are pushed agaoin
« Reply #36 on: July 19, 2020, 11:45:18 AM »
Strawman - you took my words... Exactly - % of death - divide by population total, not by infected number (which is still unkown) and statistic is a beast which can be played multiple ways.
Then look at other countries which were already through that - and see that they are kinda back to new normal.

And if teachers are afraid - why then grocery stores (with minimum or close to that wage) have employees there - all can be ordered online as education, huh? Why tons of other places you can go to - casinos in Vegas, e.g.?

Insurance wise - I am not an expert - but even franchise rinks are open now; Chicago CCM tournament has been held; pro-sport are about to return. Not heard that people were sued because of that - and that NY governor should then be crucified for what he did with nursing  facilities and closing the city/state a tad too late - resulting in 30K+ death only officially.

It is not legalities to me so much as politics - so after that damn November - things will definitely be changed...

Anyway - looks like you are on a sidelines which is fine. But I know for the fact there are a number of people who would play and who would want a season - just look at the rinks...     


  • Peewee
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Re: Tryouts are pushed agaoin
« Reply #37 on: July 19, 2020, 01:16:20 PM »
Our society has shifted.  Everyone competes for who can be the least shameful rather than the most brave.


  • Peewee
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Re: Tryouts are pushed agaoin
« Reply #38 on: July 19, 2020, 01:19:14 PM »
Exactly.  And if people are scared, they can stay home... which is totally understandable. 

From what I've seen, though, the rinks are doing a very good job of mitigating risks.  Wear masks.  Come dressed.  Keep the parents limited.  Life doesn't have to stop... we just have to be smart.  This is all temporary.
I'm your Huckleberry

2 Cups in LA

  • Peewee
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Re: Tryouts are pushed agaoin
« Reply #39 on: July 19, 2020, 06:06:38 PM »
“Oh no not again“ comment is reckless & political.   Kids who play sports & their family member health is most important.  I prefer to listen to doctors & scientist, not parents who think they got it figured out?  My kid plays multiple sports, not just tier hockey.  “It’s killing him that his regular year round routine has come to a halt”.  But he understands what’s going and there is more to life other than sports...


  • Squirt
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Re: Tryouts are pushed agaoin
« Reply #40 on: July 19, 2020, 06:24:16 PM »
The “scared people can stay home” line is getting really old. The more that people find their loopholes and act like it’s nothing, the longer we all have to pay the price.


  • Peewee
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    • Tom's Chuckle Barn
Re: Tryouts are pushed agaoin
« Reply #41 on: July 19, 2020, 10:05:22 PM »
On this board, I don't think it's meant to be disparaging... and no one is minimizing the risks.  A lot of people, though, I think feel that there can be a middle ground between one extreme and the other... as long as everyone is smart and considerate.  You know, like the Canadians.

Regardless, looks like CAHA is trying. 
I'm your Huckleberry


  • Peewee
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Re: Tryouts are pushed agaoin
« Reply #42 on: July 19, 2020, 11:02:42 PM »
Situations differ. Yes, by all means cancel house league, squirt, even peewee...

Delay B, BB, A.. as long as you like...

But telling a 16AAA who is trying to make hockey a part of his life going forward to sit at home, screw up his dreams, and do nothing also is extreme. I know kids attending USHL tryouts this summer. In states, where they are still debating whether to close bars.

The rinks around here are doing a good job of keeping kids in small, consistent groups, both to minimize spread risk, and allow contact tracing if required. Tournaments are happening in other states. Tier 1 Elite will happen.


  • Squirt
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Re: Tryouts are pushed agaoin
« Reply #43 on: July 19, 2020, 11:38:42 PM »


  • Squirt
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Re: Tryouts are pushed agaoin
« Reply #44 on: July 20, 2020, 05:14:36 AM »

CAHA 2020-2021 Season COVID Updates (Tryouts / Tier 1 Team Rostering / Tier 2 Season Format)
Jul 19, 2020  6:33 PM
This letter shall serve to provide all members an update regarding changes impacting the upcoming 2020-2021 season that were enacted by the CAHA Board during the July 18 Special Meeting;

2020-2021 Tryout Dates

As a result of recent updates with respect to governmental restrictions on youth sports activities, CAHA is pushing the CAHA permitted tryout calendar for on-ice tryouts as follows;
- Tier 1 not earlier than 10/1
- Tier 2 not earlier than 10/5
- A / BB / B / HS not earlier than 10/8

2020-2021 Tier 1 Team Formation / Rostering

For Tier 1 only (due to the fact that Tier 1 teams play a majority of the season’s games outside of CAHA League play), starting Friday, July 24, 2020, CAHA approved Tier 1 teams may roster players without a physical on-ice tryout subject to the following stipulations;
- Player/Coach rostering is subject to ALL normal USA Hockey rules/requirements/restrictions.
- Clubs/Teams may NOT issue player contracts or otherwise bind player financially to a rostering team until after such time that physical on-ice tryouts are permitted to be held.
- Clubs/Teams may not CUT a player once rostered.
- Players may choose to DROP for any reason without penalty up until actual on-ice tryouts are permitted to be held, at which time any rostered Tier 1 player must choose to enter into their Club/Team’s player contract or elect to drop.
- Players may NOT participate with any other Club/Team once they have been rostered, however should they wish to DROP from one Tier 1 team to join a different Tier 1 team they may do so up until such time that actual on-ice tryouts and player contracts can be issued, by simply providing notice to their team manager of their request to DROP.

2020-2021 Tier 2 Season Format

Due to the number of Tier 2 teams and the continued postponement by the State with respect to youth sports competition, coupled with the already noticed Tier 2 tryout dates, CAHA will not be scheduling the usual CAHA Tier 2 Weekends, but rather Tier 2 games this season will be scheduled by their respective Leagues (NORCAL/SCAHA) at such time the State permits youth sports competition. CAHA Tier 2 State Championships will differ this year only, from the normal (4) teamision format, to a six (6) teamision format (2-NORCAL/4-SCAHA) with the teams selected by their respective League to advance.


Thomas Hancock
CAHA President