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Author Topic: In-House 4 Travel players, Confidence builder & Ice time vs bad habits & unreal  (Read 18792 times)


  • Mite
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  • Posts: 1
  • LR Justice +0/-0
Just interested in the thoughts of others.  What are the thoughts on Travel players (Squirt) in my particular case, playing in-house?  Its fun and definitely a confidence builder but the competition isn't realistic and I'm noticing a lot of bad habits starting to develop.  I love the fun and confidence part, obviously, but maybe Stick time, camps and instruction would be more valuable?  My opinion is still open but thinking we may either utilize the time next year for break from hockey to other sports or just take a break and mix in some skating and skills development as we ramp up for travel tryouts and travel season.  Thanks in advance for any thoughts on the matter.


  • Squirt
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  • Posts: 65
  • LR Justice +9/-5
I don't have a problem with travel kids playing in house for extra playing time and conditioning. It might be best for those kids who have some catch up to do as far as skill development, but that is for each family to determine. We personally like participating in a spring league and some camps/clinics when the fall season concludes. We *try* and take all of June off, and then slowly start taking more clinics in July so we are back and ready to go for the fall season to begin in August.


  • AHL
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  • Posts: 540
  • LR Justice +151/-121
In house for travel players is like the pond used to be in the days of old.  When it works right, it will be relatively free of structure.  Typically travel players will control play, have the puck on their stick a lot, and be depended on to score.  Kids are experimental and need to experience success to reinforce that what they have been practicing has value to them in game situations. 

With that said, I see more and more opportunities whether it be part of spring programs, or mini tournaments for 3v3/4v4 cross ice, which also produces a lot of touches, as well as play in compact spaces. 


  • Peewee
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  • Posts: 222
  • LR Justice +32/-18
I personally don't think they should even allow travel players on in-house teams, although I was quilty of letting my kid do it for 2 seasons.  They just dominate the game too much.  The other kids never get to touch the puck and that is the only hockey they get.  Let the in house players play in house and go find a clinic or a 4 on 4 for your travel player.


  • AHL
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  • Posts: 540
  • LR Justice +151/-121
I personally don't think they should even allow travel players on in-house teams, although I was quilty of letting my kid do it for 2 seasons.  They just dominate the game too much.  The other kids never get to touch the puck and that is the only hockey they get.  Let the in house players play in house and go find a clinic or a 4 on 4 for your travel player.

Depends a lot on the league.  Frequently travel players will play up a division or even 2.  All the in-house leagues I'm familiar with are no check, so Peewees can play up to Bantams and even beyond.  There were several kids the first year who could more than hold their own and at last count 5 of them ended up playing travel.  In house is often an introduction and stepping stone for kids.  I know I leaned heavily on my kid not to puck hog all the time, and to pass the puck and try and get his teammates involved in the flow of play.  But he also had free reign to play different positions and control play from time to time.  I don't believe anyone was hurt in the process, and at the time my kid was the youngest player in the league (squirt playing in Peewee division).  If it was all in-house there would still be kids who dominate other less skilled kids.  If the overall level of play goes up a notch, it's not the worse thing in the world, but if the league is saturated with Travel kids to the point of squeezing out the pure in-house kids, then maybe that's too much, but I haven't seen that personally.


  • Squirt
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  • Posts: 69
  • LR Justice +27/-11
I personally don't think they should even allow travel players on in-house teams, although I was quilty of letting my kid do it for 2 seasons.  They just dominate the game too much.  The other kids never get to touch the puck and that is the only hockey they get.  Let the in house players play in house and go find a clinic or a 4 on 4 for your travel player.

Wow!  So, if for some reason I decide I don't want to pay for travel, don't like the teams or coaches available at my home rink, and I don't want to drive 1 plus hour each way to another rink my kids cant play hockey anymore, or just do clinics?  OK, got it.  I have to admit when my kids first started in a house team there was some travel level kids we played with and against that bothered me, but now I realize that travel hockey is not mandatory if your kid is good, its just kids playing a game, and as in any other sport or life some are just better at it. 


  • Midget
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  • Posts: 268
  • LR Justice +98/-106
at the jr kings the house league is included in the dues.  The track 2 kids play mites and the track 1 kids play squirts.  Will be interesting to see what happens this year since the 09's won't be allowed to play squirt travel.  By graduating out of mite travel early they also graduated out of the house league too.  Now there will be 15 or so more travel kids in the house league than last year, and they will be better players to boot. 

Also TSC has the blake league in the spring, which is a house league for travel players and advanced house leaguers.  10 games, no practices, roughly $300.  mites and squirts only.