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Author Topic: FYI - New Families moving to SoCal  (Read 20590 times)


  • AHL
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Re: FYI - New Families moving to SoCal
« Reply #15 on: June 10, 2018, 12:46:00 PM »
I don't know where you live CaliBound, but there is a team for your kid outside of In-house.  In general in season in-house is filled with kids who play the sport as a hobby and often coached by Volunteers.  There are coaches advertising for teams as we speak.  It really depends on the position your kid plays, their relative competitiveness, and the needs of the individual team.   As you stated, you went with one of the bigger organizations (Kings/Ducks?) and they always have a lot of people trying out.  The regional clubs often have better odds, and can be just as competitive as the teams from the bigger orgs.   You can also find top flight coaches who are looking for players as we speak.  Find the best coach and level of play you can, and if possible, have your kid play at the highest available level at the club you want to be at next year.