Just a correction on standings - as 3 teams are tied with 22 points - per SCAHA rule it's total wins being first tie-breaker - so Heat are in fact 6th, not 4th.
Kings 2 are 4th and GR 1 are 5th. SCAHA standings page says that statistician decides tie-breaker and whta we see is just by goal differential which is down on the list of tie-breakers.
So now you are saying - Kings 2 are relevant and Heat are not?
Kings 1 has not a good finish to a season - bad losses in Phoenix, tie with Heat - so we'll see whether they'll pull it off in play-offs - they should be in a bracket with Flyers and Heat.
Wave 1 - unquestionable AA team, better than Wave actual AA team, imho. Guys just wanted to pay less and get a trophy, I guess. Blow-out wins vs "watered-down" division and easy schedule help development ? Possibly.