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Author Topic: Advice on college hockey  (Read 11029 times)


  • Squirt
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  • Posts: 54
  • LR Justice +13/-4
Advice on college hockey
« on: January 23, 2017, 12:50:10 PM »
Can anyone give me some good advice on whether to focus on DII (Club) hockey or DIII?  I noticed that all the DIII programs are way out in the NE part of the counry...nothing west of Wisconsin it looks like.  But DII or Club (are they the same) and all over...My son is likely not going D1 and no future in professional hockey....just want to have fun while going to college for a real job.  Perhaps some of the DIII college will offer academic money because they want a diverse population.  Thanks! 


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Re: Advice on college hockey
« Reply #1 on: January 25, 2017, 08:20:52 AM »
I would recommend focusing more on the academics, cost and environment, then consider hockey options.  ACHA might be a good option.