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Author Topic: Kathy McGarrigle  (Read 15677 times)


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Kathy McGarrigle
« on: April 14, 2021, 01:24:59 PM »
When are they going to give her the boot? that lady is a cancer and continues to treat the girls poorly. I wish there were more girl programs out there. They need more options. The lady lions is growing and getting better every year but Kathy has told everyone, If you don't play for the ducks you're not going to play in college. I wish more parents would call her on her crap and stop letting her and the ducks organization bully the girls and the parents due to the lack of options. 


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Re: Kathy McGarrigle
« Reply #1 on: April 15, 2021, 11:27:31 AM »
My daughter hasn't played for the LD in years. I am not nor have I ever complained about my not making a specific team. I was a realist when it came to her talent level. The thing I am pointing out is how toxic Kathy is. This isn't a question I have formed on my own. I have many friends that have had very similar experiences to what I said. I want go into private details of what others have shared with me, but I will say that most people would be appalled by what was heard and or seen. Her behavior needs to improve or she needs to go. Have several girls gone on from the LD and been successful? The answer is yes. Is there good coaches at the LD? Yes. Everyone has different experiences, so don't discredit mine just because yours went well. Don't assume something you have very little information on. I was asked to put something out here by a friend because she had a very similar experience with Kathy and was afraid to do so. Like I said, My daughter no longer plays for the LD and isn't able to play for them either as she is in College now. I'm glad you had a good time with LD. I just want the same for everyone. I'm no longer worried about any repercussions coming my way. I find it funny with the low key threats though. I wont delete this post either. Have a great day and I hope your daughter does awesome.     


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Re: Kathy McGarrigle
« Reply #2 on: April 16, 2021, 08:45:43 AM »
Did I miss something?  Never saw any replies to your post. There are now many options for people, that just like the boys, involve seeking opportunities elsewhere.  I know of a few that went to esteemed Prep schools for example, and having done so, are probably more likely to matriculate to college hockey than if they had stayed and played for the LD. 

At least at this point there are a couple of options in state, where before there was only LD and perhaps S, but either way, the options for playing hockey in California are limited, and even moreso, for girls.  The LAL's U14 is going to Nationals this season, so it's only a matter of time before they will have alumni playing in college.

FWIW, I think you accomplished what you wanted to, which was to call out this lady by name, but I will say that your post lacks any specific details that illustrate what lead you to your opinion.  You can take almost any coach at any program and find people who will tell you that they were the best coach ever, and find someone else who will tell you they were the worst.   ;)   


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Re: Kathy McGarrigle
« Reply #3 on: August 31, 2021, 03:36:47 PM »
I doubt that will ever happen, There is 3 people who protect each others interest on top of the Jr. Ducks. They in turn protect the people
which work for them. And don't get me started with the LD's and nationals. Go like 4 years back when there was a much better team
then the LD's in U16, called the CA Wave. Because K knew that would spell trouble down the line she had CA Waves Girl Tier 1 status
removed. She is the Fox in the Henhouse and changes the rules to fit her needs. I am sure by now she needs a new jacket because
every year she puts a new national patch on it.
So hopefully the Kings will grow their Girls program and actually provide completion that K cant just kill before it gets going.
And just as an FYI the grass is not always greener back east because there is only few to none programs yu are after anything then your $$$
« Last Edit: August 31, 2021, 03:54:17 PM by makeawish »


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Re: Kathy McGarrigle
« Reply #4 on: December 13, 2022, 11:42:09 PM »
I guess we no longer have to worry about her lol!  She gone!