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Author Topic: Predictions for AA?  (Read 369848 times)


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Re: Predictions for AA?
« Reply #960 on: February 08, 2018, 11:14:10 AM »
Thanks for explaining how the California Amateur Hockey Association, which exists for one purpose only -- to organize games between the member teams, is actually a money making venture meant to funnel money to specific rinks.  Here I was under the impression that all the rinks were community owned with free ice time for all.

You really believe that everything should have been scrapped up north and rescheduled in SoCal just to accommodate?

And to answer your direct question, yes they should have reorganized, just as they reorganized the schedule to include dropping one our CAHA weekends due to the Flight assignments they made. 


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Re: Predictions for AA?
« Reply #961 on: February 08, 2018, 11:55:44 AM »
Thanks for explaining how the California Amateur Hockey Association, which exists for one purpose only -- to organize games between the member teams, is actually a money making venture meant to funnel money to specific rinks.  Here I was under the impression that all the rinks were community owned with free ice time for all.

You really believe that everything should have been scrapped up north and rescheduled in SoCal just to accommodate?

And to answer your direct question, yes they should have reorganized, just as they reorganized the schedule to include dropping one our CAHA weekends due to the Flight assignments they made.

Maybe they should have dropped Vacaville and kept Lakewood (for PW)?   But that would have meant an extra lag month at the beginning of the season before CAHA weekends started.

I have to admit I'm curious what SCAHA cooks up for the flight 2 playoff.  How many teams?  Will it include the 9 and 10 teams from flight 1?

Good luck this weekend to your kids team Icedad!
« Last Edit: February 08, 2018, 11:56:28 AM by Rats13 »


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Re: Predictions for AA?
« Reply #962 on: February 08, 2018, 12:12:38 PM »
Puck Yeah, you have unintentionally put your finger on the problem.  CAHA is in fact a non-profit organization, funded by dues from its member teams (which are in turn passed on to the players' families).  It is not a for-profit monopoly company, and its mission is not "supposed" to be to line its own pockets, fleece its customers, or deliver a product that is unnecessarily expensive.  One can reasonably agree or disagree with some of the decisions CAHA makes every year and whether they are in the best interests of the California hockey community they serve, but it is hard to see how anyone could defend certain of their decisions this year as being either well-reasoned, impartial or in the best interests of their membership generally.


  • Peewee
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Re: Predictions for AA?
« Reply #963 on: February 08, 2018, 12:18:59 PM »
Just wait untill the word gets out about a Flight 2 Playoff that's in the works for next month. Then we will be able to really complain.

Wait, Flight2 playoff next month?!

Puck Yeah

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Re: Predictions for AA?
« Reply #964 on: February 08, 2018, 12:36:38 PM »
Puck Yeah, you have unintentionally put your finger on the problem.  CAHA is in fact a non-profit organization, funded by dues from its member teams (which are in turn passed on to the players' families).  It is not a for-profit monopoly company, and its mission is not "supposed" to be to line its own pockets, fleece its customers, or deliver a product that is unnecessarily expensive.  One can reasonably agree or disagree with some of the decisions CAHA makes every year and whether they are in the best interests of the California hockey community they serve, but it is hard to see how anyone could defend certain of their decisions this year as being either well-reasoned, impartial or in the best interests of their membership generally.

Yes CAHA is non profit.  To my knowledge most rinks are not.  My point was that it is easy to bitch.  Let's say you own a NorCal rink and you have the playdowns scheduled and SoCal is bitching about having to drive 6 hours.  Would you just say, "you know, I never thought about that, I will forfeit the income, play in SoCal for your convenience" ?  It just isn't reasonable.  Rinks are businesses and like most businesses they look out for their own financial interest.  That is how they survive.  If you don't like the profit motive maybe try Hockey in Venezuela or Cuba.  If looking out for your family's financial interest is "following the money trail" then I agree with you.  Running CAHA or running a Rink is just like hockey.  Looks easy from the bleachers.


  • Mite
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Re: Predictions for AA?
« Reply #965 on: February 08, 2018, 01:29:51 PM »
I get it.  CAHAs Mission is re-distribution of wealth

Their role is to ensure that rinks remain profitable (especially those affiliated with board members).

If you run one of those rinks you get a Free Stuff.  Sound familiar?

Another example of the twisted welfare state of California

Business viability doesn't depend on customer demand for your value proposition it relies on subsidies.  Sound familiar?


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Re: Predictions for AA?
« Reply #966 on: February 08, 2018, 02:59:24 PM »
Puck Yeah, you have unintentionally put your finger on the problem.  CAHA is in fact a non-profit organization, funded by dues from its member teams (which are in turn passed on to the players' families).  It is not a for-profit monopoly company, and its mission is not "supposed" to be to line its own pockets, fleece its customers, or deliver a product that is unnecessarily expensive.  One can reasonably agree or disagree with some of the decisions CAHA makes every year and whether they are in the best interests of the California hockey community they serve, but it is hard to see how anyone could defend certain of their decisions this year as being either well-reasoned, impartial or in the best interests of their membership generally.

Yes CAHA is non profit.  To my knowledge most rinks are not.  My point was that it is easy to bitch.  Let's say you own a NorCal rink and you have the playdowns scheduled and SoCal is bitching about having to drive 6 hours.  Would you just say, "you know, I never thought about that, I will forfeit the income, play in SoCal for your convenience" ?  It just isn't reasonable.  Rinks are businesses and like most businesses they look out for their own financial interest.  That is how they survive.  If you don't like the profit motive maybe try Hockey in Venezuela or Cuba.  If looking out for your family's financial interest is "following the money trail" then I agree with you.  Running CAHA or running a Rink is just like hockey.  Looks easy from the bleachers.
The problem the Flight 2 teams had was when one of the weekends got cancelled, why was it KHS and not Vacaville? we all know the answer to that question.


  • Peewee
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Re: Predictions for AA?
« Reply #967 on: February 08, 2018, 03:32:21 PM »
Puck Yeah, you have unintentionally put your finger on the problem.  CAHA is in fact a non-profit organization, funded by dues from its member teams (which are in turn passed on to the players' families).  It is not a for-profit monopoly company, and its mission is not "supposed" to be to line its own pockets, fleece its customers, or deliver a product that is unnecessarily expensive.  One can reasonably agree or disagree with some of the decisions CAHA makes every year and whether they are in the best interests of the California hockey community they serve, but it is hard to see how anyone could defend certain of their decisions this year as being either well-reasoned, impartial or in the best interests of their membership generally.

Yes CAHA is non profit.  To my knowledge most rinks are not.  My point was that it is easy to bitch.  Let's say you own a NorCal rink and you have the playdowns scheduled and SoCal is bitching about having to drive 6 hours.  Would you just say, "you know, I never thought about that, I will forfeit the income, play in SoCal for your convenience" ?  It just isn't reasonable.  Rinks are businesses and like most businesses they look out for their own financial interest.  That is how they survive.  If you don't like the profit motive maybe try Hockey in Venezuela or Cuba.  If looking out for your family's financial interest is "following the money trail" then I agree with you.  Running CAHA or running a Rink is just like hockey.  Looks easy from the bleachers.

ehh, you just award the ice contracts after the flights have been made.  Problem solved.  I am pretty sure you can still get ice with a 4-5 month lead time

Puck Yeah

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Re: Predictions for AA?
« Reply #968 on: February 08, 2018, 04:24:03 PM »
I get it.  CAHAs Mission is re-distribution of wealth

Their role is to ensure that rinks remain profitable (especially those affiliated with board members).

If you run one of those rinks you get a Free Stuff.  Sound familiar?

Another example of the twisted welfare state of California

Business viability doesn't depend on customer demand for your value proposition it relies on subsidies.  Sound familiar?

Easy money, I think I will run out and start a Rink and wait for the dough to roll in the front door.


  • Mite
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Re: Predictions for AA?
« Reply #969 on: February 08, 2018, 05:03:48 PM »
No one suggests that starting and running a business is easy.  I have my own successful company which I started after a couple of failures. 

It was built in creating a service that people were willing to pay for because it was their choice.   It was priced right, in the right location and was available where and when needed

[/size][size=78%]Some of my competitors went out of business because there wasn't a demand for the kind of service level they delivered.  The city of Irvine didn't force its citizens to use them because running a business was hard and they needed to make a profit, or forced its citizens to use a service provider on the other side of town that's owned by a politician.  That's called corruption which is why people are upset [/size]
[/size][size=78%]All that the "complainers" are asking is for CAHA to consider their needs and wants and not force them into something that only benefit insiders at the expense of the people you are supposed to serve.  It's the same reason why people hate politicians. [/size]


  • Peewee
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Re: Predictions for AA?
« Reply #970 on: February 08, 2018, 05:23:15 PM »
This ^^^^^^^^^

Puck Yeah

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Re: Predictions for AA?
« Reply #971 on: February 08, 2018, 07:07:31 PM »
That's an incongruent analogy. 

If you believe there is legitimately corruption then I think you should speak up, call it out and have it addressed: even legally if necessary.  Disliking how an organization is run in not corruption.

There is plenty that I disagree with the board about. However, those on the board generally are in a damned if you do, damned if you don't position.  You just aren't going to make people happy.

While parents are so emotionally invested in the kids hockey there are always going to be issues.  Hockey also costs a fortune and that brings about a sense of entitlement. 

People scream about the board members just like that scream about the refs.  I would not want either job at any pay rate.  I can't imagine getting up at 5 am to make 50 bucks for having the parents of which ever side is losing bark and insult you and question your integrity.   Nor would I want to make board decisions that result in pissing off at best half of the players parents and at worst most of them. 

If you play in MN your kid has a 4% chance of making D1.  We are not in MN.  Enjoy the game. 

When you have to travel to Vacaville take an extra half day and take your player to the Capital an explore a little. Enjoy the ride. When the NHL does not take him he will be working for a living just like the rest of us.


  • Peewee
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Re: Predictions for AA?
« Reply #972 on: February 08, 2018, 08:41:06 PM »
Sorry, Puck Yeah, there are only so many times we can all visit Sacramento or San Jose and pretend it's either interesting, or an educational experience.  And only so many days of school our SoCal kids can afford to miss to keep those bloated NorCal rinks afloat, since as you point out it's all just for fun and they ain't gettin no D1 hockey scholarships out of it.


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Re: Predictions for AA?
« Reply #973 on: February 08, 2018, 09:04:46 PM »
My comments have absolutely nothing to do with how much time and money is invested in my kids, how much distance I travel to support them, the quality of CA hockey, scholarships, nor entitlements. 

I don't get emotional about any of that because those are choices

My comments have everything to do with what's morally right and wrong.

Puck Yeah

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Re: Predictions for AA?
« Reply #974 on: February 09, 2018, 07:33:33 AM »
My comments have absolutely nothing to do with how much time and money is invested in my kids, how much distance I travel to support them, the quality of CA hockey, scholarships, nor entitlements. 

I don't get emotional about any of that because those are choices

My comments have everything to do with what's morally right and wrong.

I like to think I have a high moral standard.  What is immoral?  Sincere question, not a challenge or looking for a gotcha.