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Author Topic: Predictions for AA?  (Read 368875 times)


  • Peewee
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Re: Predictions for AA?
« Reply #1005 on: February 10, 2018, 04:26:19 PM »
One club. One vote

Membership only comes into play when voting for
Caha elected positions

Forgive me but that's a bit saying "the census isn't important because it only comes into play when determining how many members of the House of Representatives and Electoral College each state has."

Under CAHA's bylaws, a club's membership numbers determine its voting power for the CAHA Board.  (CAHA Bylaws, Section 39.2)  The Board, in turn, elects the Executive Officers of CAHA and appoints the Executive Committees.  (CAHA Bylaws, Sections 40, 41.)  Collectively the Board, Executive Officers, and Executive Committees make all the decisions or appoint those who do.  (CAHA Bylaws, Addenda B-D.)

That kind of sounds like the definition of power to me.

Puck Yeah

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Re: Predictions for AA?
« Reply #1006 on: February 10, 2018, 04:35:50 PM »
Seems perfectly reasonable to me.  Although maybe CAHA needs a 2 member Senate for each club too so small clubs don't get steam rolled?


  • Peewee
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Re: Predictions for AA?
« Reply #1007 on: February 10, 2018, 05:49:36 PM »
Seems perfectly reasonable to me.  Although maybe CAHA needs a 2 member Senate for each club too so small clubs don't get steam rolled?

Puck Yeah, I get it.  "Life's a bitch and then you die, so suck it up buttercup or just kill yourself right now."  I get a kick out of your relentlessly dark, Ayn Randian view of life, I really do.  Your posts remind me of Max von Sydow's monologues in "Hannah and Her Sisters," which were funny in 1986.

But to return to the idea that got this discussion started, CAHA's own bylaws state that the association exists "To encourage, foster and promote the development of the sport of amateur ice hockey within the State of California."  (CAHA Bylaws, Section 28(a))  They also provide that "CAHA shall not be operated in a manner which will generate pecuniary gain or profit for any Member Association or individual and is organized solely for nonprofit purposes."  (CAHA Bylaws, Section 29.2)

You'd expect no less from a non-profit youth sports association, right?  Folks on this board gripe about a lot of stupid things that aren't important, and important things about which reasonable minds can differ.  But sometimes CAHA does things that nobody can defend with a straight face (which is probably why you don't even try), like for example changing rules to benefit the clubs that run CAHA to the disadvantage of the one's that don't (and then changing them back the next year when that suits them again), or making dozens of SoCal families collectively spend hundreds of thousands of dollars to treck up to NorCal to play other SoCal teams for no apparent reason other than maybe to line some board member's pockets.  Your solution seems to be for the complainers to pull their kids out of hockey and maybe play frisbee or join their school chess club instead.  But it shouldn't be too much to hold CAHA to its own stated purpose for existence, but as Trans tried to point out, its bylaws sometimes encourage the opposite.

« Last Edit: February 10, 2018, 05:51:17 PM by Strawman »


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Re: Predictions for AA?
« Reply #1008 on: February 10, 2018, 06:43:29 PM »
So I guess some flight 2 teams would have done ok in flight 1.

Saints 4
Jr sharks 0


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Re: Predictions for AA?
« Reply #1009 on: February 10, 2018, 09:29:34 PM »
Feb 10, 2018
San Jose Jr Sharks 16AA       4
Pasadena Maple Leafs 16AA   3

Puck Yeah

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Re: Predictions for AA?
« Reply #1010 on: February 10, 2018, 09:53:04 PM »
Seems perfectly reasonable to me.  Although maybe CAHA needs a 2 member Senate for each club too so small clubs don't get steam rolled?

Puck Yeah, I get it.  "Life's a bitch and then you die, so suck it up buttercup or just kill yourself right now."  I get a kick out of your relentlessly dark, Ayn Randian view of life, I really do.  Your posts remind me of Max von Sydow's monologues in "Hannah and Her Sisters," which were funny in 1986.

But to return to the idea that got this discussion started, CAHA's own bylaws state that the association exists "To encourage, foster and promote the development of the sport of amateur ice hockey within the State of California."  (CAHA Bylaws, Section 28(a))  They also provide that "CAHA shall not be operated in a manner which will generate pecuniary gain or profit for any Member Association or individual and is organized solely for nonprofit purposes."  (CAHA Bylaws, Section 29.2)

You'd expect no less from a non-profit youth sports association, right?  Folks on this board gripe about a lot of stupid things that aren't important, and important things about which reasonable minds can differ.  But sometimes CAHA does things that nobody can defend with a straight face (which is probably why you don't even try), like for example changing rules to benefit the clubs that run CAHA to the disadvantage of the one's that don't (and then changing them back the next year when that suits them again), or making dozens of SoCal families collectively spend hundreds of thousands of dollars to treck up to NorCal to play other SoCal teams for no apparent reason other than maybe to line some board member's pockets.  Your solution seems to be for the complainers to pull their kids out of hockey and maybe play frisbee or join their school chess club instead.  But it shouldn't be too much to hold CAHA to its own stated purpose for existence, but as Trans tried to point out, its bylaws sometimes encourage the opposite.

Some of us are just more free market and capitalist and others are more socialist I guess.  The free market system is the worse system on the planet except for all the others.

It is a plague that has taken a serious hold on America.  The "do something" crowd.  Don't like something pass a law, sue, protest.  Offended, silence the opposition.  How about dealing with the reality of life as it comes and make decisions based on that?

"The folks on this gripe about things that aren't important"  We agree.  Other than the fun, the adventure, the comradery, and experiencing team play, youth hockey is not all that important.  If you really believe your kid is NHL material, do what you have to do to put him in the circumstance that will provide the opportunity. That is a lot more expensive than a few trips to Vacaville or San Jose.  He should not be playing AA, he needs to be in AAA.  Nobody looks at AA for the next big deal.   

If he ISN'T NHL bound then what the hell difference does it make?  Play High School, Play A and be a Star.

I read 20 to 30 books a year so I am embarrassed to admit that I have never read Atlas Shrugged.  You may be my inspiration to get to it.  As far as you other reference, I have contempt for Hollywood and rarely watch film.

I am probably closer to the ideology of Thomas Sowell than Ayn Randian. 

" Life in general has never been even close to fair, so the pretense that the government can make it fair is a valuable and inexhaustible asset to politicians who want to expand government." ~  Thomas Sowell   


  • Peewee
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Re: Predictions for AA?
« Reply #1011 on: February 12, 2018, 08:35:30 AM »
so when does the Filght 1 vs Flight 2 game happen?


  • Peewee
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Re: Predictions for AA?
« Reply #1012 on: February 12, 2018, 08:41:58 AM »


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Re: Predictions for AA?
« Reply #1014 on: February 12, 2018, 04:14:05 PM »
Looks like SCAHA has a new website.  It is better than the last piece of crap but, it is still not a mobile enabled website.  If the people making these decisions do not understand that at least half of the traffic is from mobile devices, they need to stop making technology decisions because they do not have a clue what they are doing.


  • Peewee
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Re: Predictions for AA?
« Reply #1015 on: February 12, 2018, 04:18:49 PM »

SCAHA Website
Feb 11, 2018  6:56 PM
Welcome to the new SCAHA website.
The new site is currently under development and not fully functional yet. The temporarly was made as a result of technical issues with the current site. We will switch back go the current site once all technical issues have been resolved.
We apologize for any inconvience this may have cuased you and thank you for your patience and understanding.


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Re: Predictions for AA?
« Reply #1016 on: February 12, 2018, 07:55:17 PM »
Looks like SCAHA has a new website.  It is better than the last piece of crap but, it is still not a mobile enabled website.  If the people making these decisions do not understand that at least half of the traffic is from mobile devices, they need to stop making technology decisions because they do not have a clue what they are doing.

I had issues accessing the SCAHA website using Google Chrome but I had no problems with Firefox on my phone.


  • Peewee
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Re: Predictions for AA?
« Reply #1017 on: February 12, 2018, 08:07:30 PM »
I noticed it being down the last day or two


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Re: Predictions for AA?
« Reply #1018 on: February 12, 2018, 11:04:20 PM »
I have been involved in the sport of Travel Hockey for the past 11 years.  I have two boys, and they both started playing hockey at Mite B and currently,  the oldest son is completing a successful season at Midget 16AA, while my younger son completes his final Bantam AA season.  We have avoided the AAA level due to academic and financial considerations.  I have listened to parents that have personally participated, and watched their boys, play at all levels from Mite B, thru Juniors, and beyond.   In speaking to these parents, it occurred to me to "work the journey from the destination."  Where do you want your son/daughter to finish their hockey career?  College, Juniors, AAA, Semi-Pro, Europe, NHL?  How much to you want to spend to arrive at that destination?  Does your son/daughter share your passion? 

In speaking to a informed hockey dad, he had the opportunity to play Juniors as a teenager in Canada.  He also had the opportunity to attend College and become an Engineer. He decided to forgo Juniors, attend College, while his friends moved into the ranks of Juniors for the next few years.  His friends enjoyed their experience, but only one returned to attend College and did not fully enjoy the experience due to the fact that he was "older" than the incoming freshman.  His other friends finished Juniors, lost interest in school and moved into the workforce.  In the meantime, my friend finished College and is now working as a successful engineer.  He plays hockey weekly with other men that played Youth/Travel, AA, AAA, Juniors, Semi-Pro and in the NHL.  ALL of them finish their weekly game and return to WORK the next day.  In speaking to a BCHL Head Coach, he informed me that the average NHL career is 3 years and that 90% of former NHL players need to find employment at the end of their careers.  Although this may not be indicative of everyone, my point is, everyone ends up at the same spot....

My boys have had an amazing journey playing youth hockey while my wife and I have watched them develop into responsible young men and good hockey players.  We have traveled throughout the United States and Canada to participate in Tournaments which enabled the kids to see and experience a world they may never know.  Furthermore, they have made amazing friendships that will last long past their hockey careers.  Next season, my boys will play together on the same team, High School, for the first time since Mites.  I recognize that High School isn't quite the level of AAA or some AA teams but nonetheless, where does their journey end?  I fully believe that they love the game and that they can play competitive hockey for as long as they like.  The values, ethics and ability to work as a team, that they learned playing this game, will hopefully make them a valuable asset while pursuing any future endeavors.  Everyone, including the players, must make their own decisions...These are my thoughts as the boys end their Club Hockey experience. 

Puck Yeah

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Re: Predictions for AA?
« Reply #1019 on: February 13, 2018, 05:29:36 AM »
I have been involved in the sport of Travel Hockey for the past 11 years.  I have two boys, and they both started playing hockey at Mite B and currently,  the oldest son is completing a successful season at Midget 16AA, while my younger son completes his final Bantam AA season.  We have avoided the AAA level due to academic and financial considerations.  I have listened to parents that have personally participated, and watched their boys, play at all levels from Mite B, thru Juniors, and beyond.   In speaking to these parents, it occurred to me to "work the journey from the destination."  Where do you want your son/daughter to finish their hockey career?  College, Juniors, AAA, Semi-Pro, Europe, NHL?  How much to you want to spend to arrive at that destination?  Does your son/daughter share your passion? 

In speaking to a informed hockey dad, he had the opportunity to play Juniors as a teenager in Canada.  He also had the opportunity to attend College and become an Engineer. He decided to forgo Juniors, attend College, while his friends moved into the ranks of Juniors for the next few years.  His friends enjoyed their experience, but only one returned to attend College and did not fully enjoy the experience due to the fact that he was "older" than the incoming freshman.  His other friends finished Juniors, lost interest in school and moved into the workforce.  In the meantime, my friend finished College and is now working as a successful engineer.  He plays hockey weekly with other men that played Youth/Travel, AA, AAA, Juniors, Semi-Pro and in the NHL.  ALL of them finish their weekly game and return to WORK the next day.  In speaking to a BCHL Head Coach, he informed me that the average NHL career is 3 years and that 90% of former NHL players need to find employment at the end of their careers.  Although this may not be indicative of everyone, my point is, everyone ends up at the same spot....

My boys have had an amazing journey playing youth hockey while my wife and I have watched them develop into responsible young men and good hockey players.  We have traveled throughout the United States and Canada to participate in Tournaments which enabled the kids to see and experience a world they may never know.  Furthermore, they have made amazing friendships that will last long past their hockey careers.  Next season, my boys will play together on the same team, High School, for the first time since Mites.  I recognize that High School isn't quite the level of AAA or some AA teams but nonetheless, where does their journey end?  I fully believe that they love the game and that they can play competitive hockey for as long as they like.  The values, ethics and ability to work as a team, that they learned playing this game, will hopefully make them a valuable asset while pursuing any future endeavors.  Everyone, including the players, must make their own decisions...These are my thoughts as the boys end their Club Hockey experience. 

This should be a mandatory posting on every parents refrigerator, starting at Mites.