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Author Topic: What AA Bantam Teams for 2018-19?  (Read 315299 times)


  • Midget
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  • LR Justice +60/-91
Re: What AA Bantam Teams for 2018-19?
« Reply #300 on: August 16, 2018, 08:15:36 AM »
Any scrimmage scores from tge weekend ?

I hear Wada wants to scrimmage but other teams are afraid of their parents.

Be careful, that is a sensitive group of parents.
No just think wives wont let husbands  come out for a beer.

Just mske sure, if your going to talk smack (we all do), be ready to get cracked.  Dont go pouting to mama after......

Nobody to cry to this year...

SkatingDad you either really like those parents or you have something against them because you seem to always try to say something about them.  :o :o  pretty funny.


Your coach

Ha!! Who’s the sensitive one now? Was it that you couldn’t make that team or did you not like them being so hard on your little Gretzky?

Since you asked...

Coaching requires the ability to know how to motivate each player in order to get the most out of them. Two current examples of good coaches would be Bill Belichick and Mike Babcock. Coaching is not screaming at the players and using fear and intimidation to get them to do what you want. John Tortorella is an example of a coach who uses screaming with fear and intimidation. The team will have some success until the players get tired of dealing with it. Darryl Sutter is an example for all of us Kings fans. 

If you do not want your little Gretzky to really learn how to play hockey then go with a team that has a screamer that uses fear and intimidation as a coach. There are plenty in youth hockey. These coaches have some success in youth hockey because of the revolving door of Little Gretzky's. Many parents do not know what they are getting into, they just see a team with a winning record. While others parents do not understand how to motivate and teach people and believe that the only way is by using screaming with fear and intimidation.

All of our Little Gretzky's are destined for beer leagues anyway.  This is actually a good life lesson for Little Gretzky that translates into the difference between a boss and a leader.  Although many will never learn this lesson.  It is not a matter of being sensitive but, the understanding of what makes a coach a good coach. 


  • NHL
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Re: What AA Bantam Teams for 2018-19?
« Reply #301 on: August 16, 2018, 09:07:32 AM »
SD,  not all coaches are right for all kids.  But when a good kid is impeaded in development  in not only hockey but in life skills , by  shrltering a kid i.e. "that coach is a dick, im going to another team " , "that teacher doesn't like my kid, im going to home  school him, is just plain foolish and is why of our society is full of entitledly minded pussys.
Now the WW core is going into it's 9th year together, these boys are not only pretty good hockey players but good students and all round kids. Also have kids thst hsve been there 4/5/6 years. Having someone   parents and coach all you out on their bullshit, imo, will lead to better kids/hockey players.

In life, do you want to bust your ass and make it work or do you want to jump job to job not knowing where you'll be working at next. 

Wada's  coaching style is that of holding youself accountable.
You cannot argue with his success.


  • Squirt
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Re: What AA Bantam Teams for 2018-19?
« Reply #302 on: August 16, 2018, 09:20:36 AM »
Any scrimmage scores from tge weekend ?

I hear Wada wants to scrimmage but other teams are afraid of their parents.

Be careful, that is a sensitive group of parents.
No just think wives wont let husbands  come out for a beer.

Just mske sure, if your going to talk smack (we all do), be ready to get cracked.  Dont go pouting to mama after......

Nobody to cry to this year...

SkatingDad you either really like those parents or you have something against them because you seem to always try to say something about them.  :o :o  pretty funny.


Your coach

Ha!! Who’s the sensitive one now? Was it that you couldn’t make that team or did you not like them being so hard on your little Gretzky?

Since you asked...

Coaching requires the ability to know how to motivate each player in order to get the most out of them. Two current examples of good coaches would be Bill Belichick and Mike Babcock. Coaching is not screaming at the players and using fear and intimidation to get them to do what you want. John Tortorella is an example of a coach who uses screaming with fear and intimidation. The team will have some success until the players get tired of dealing with it. Darryl Sutter is an example for all of us Kings fans. 

If you do not want your little Gretzky to really learn how to play hockey then go with a team that has a screamer that uses fear and intimidation as a coach. There are plenty in youth hockey. These coaches have some success in youth hockey because of the revolving door of Little Gretzky's. Many parents do not know what they are getting into, they just see a team with a winning record. While others parents do not understand how to motivate and teach people and believe that the only way is by using screaming with fear and intimidation.

All of our Little Gretzky's are destined for beer leagues anyway.  This is actually a good life lesson for Little Gretzky that translates into the difference between a boss and a leader.  Although many will never learn this lesson.  It is not a matter of being sensitive but, the understanding of what makes a coach a good coach. 

The first time my son saw how the WW were coached he said that's the team for me.  It's called accountability, and I know it isn't for everyone.  IMO the WW is one of the best coached teams in the state, and if that particular coach raises his voice at your kid you might want to figure out why.  Mike Babcock, to whom you point as a great hockey coach and inspiring leader, is also renowned for being one of the toughest coaches around.


  • Midget
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  • LR Justice +60/-91
Re: What AA Bantam Teams for 2018-19?
« Reply #303 on: August 16, 2018, 09:35:05 AM »
Any scrimmage scores from tge weekend ?

I hear Wada wants to scrimmage but other teams are afraid of their parents.

Be careful, that is a sensitive group of parents.
No just think wives wont let husbands  come out for a beer.

Just mske sure, if your going to talk smack (we all do), be ready to get cracked.  Dont go pouting to mama after......

Nobody to cry to this year...

SkatingDad you either really like those parents or you have something against them because you seem to always try to say something about them.  :o :o  pretty funny.


Your coach

Ha!! Who’s the sensitive one now? Was it that you couldn’t make that team or did you not like them being so hard on your little Gretzky?

Since you asked...

Coaching requires the ability to know how to motivate each player in order to get the most out of them. Two current examples of good coaches would be Bill Belichick and Mike Babcock. Coaching is not screaming at the players and using fear and intimidation to get them to do what you want. John Tortorella is an example of a coach who uses screaming with fear and intimidation. The team will have some success until the players get tired of dealing with it. Darryl Sutter is an example for all of us Kings fans. 

If you do not want your little Gretzky to really learn how to play hockey then go with a team that has a screamer that uses fear and intimidation as a coach. There are plenty in youth hockey. These coaches have some success in youth hockey because of the revolving door of Little Gretzky's. Many parents do not know what they are getting into, they just see a team with a winning record. While others parents do not understand how to motivate and teach people and believe that the only way is by using screaming with fear and intimidation.

All of our Little Gretzky's are destined for beer leagues anyway.  This is actually a good life lesson for Little Gretzky that translates into the difference between a boss and a leader.  Although many will never learn this lesson.  It is not a matter of being sensitive but, the understanding of what makes a coach a good coach. 

The first time my son saw how the WW were coached he said that's the team for me.  It's called accountability, and I know it isn't for everyone.  IMO the WW is one of the best coached teams in the state, and if that particular coach raises his voice at your kid you might want to figure out why.  Mike Babcock, to whom you point as a great hockey coach and inspiring leader, is also renowned for being one of the toughest coaches around.

Well coached?  He does not even have a system, does not teach positioning or any skills it is just pressure hocky.  I have literally overheard him telling a parent that all he does is yell at the kids. There is a lid for every pot an appearly your Little Gretzky's needs to be screamed at and intimidated.

Mike Babcock and Bill Belichick are extremely tough couches. They have very high expectations and expect their players to perform.  Being a leader does not mean you do not hold people accountable it means you do not rule by fear and intimidation.  Again I do not expect most of you to grasp the concept.

I do not expect to get anywhere with this argument as most of the people who post on this thread are WW parents. 


  • Mite
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  • Posts: 41
  • LR Justice +4/-2
Re: What AA Bantam Teams for 2018-19?
« Reply #304 on: August 16, 2018, 10:02:08 AM »
Any scrimmage scores from tge weekend ?

I hear Wada wants to scrimmage but other teams are afraid of their parents.

Be careful, that is a sensitive group of parents.
No just think wives wont let husbands  come out for a beer.

Just mske sure, if your going to talk smack (we all do), be ready to get cracked.  Dont go pouting to mama after......

Nobody to cry to this year...

SkatingDad you either really like those parents or you have something against them because you seem to always try to say something about them.  :o :o  pretty funny.


Your coach

Ha!! Who’s the sensitive one now? Was it that you couldn’t make that team or did you not like them being so hard on your little Gretzky?

Since you asked...

Coaching requires the ability to know how to motivate each player in order to get the most out of them. Two current examples of good coaches would be Bill Belichick and Mike Babcock. Coaching is not screaming at the players and using fear and intimidation to get them to do what you want. John Tortorella is an example of a coach who uses screaming with fear and intimidation. The team will have some success until the players get tired of dealing with it. Darryl Sutter is an example for all of us Kings fans. 

If you do not want your little Gretzky to really learn how to play hockey then go with a team that has a screamer that uses fear and intimidation as a coach. There are plenty in youth hockey. These coaches have some success in youth hockey because of the revolving door of Little Gretzky's. Many parents do not know what they are getting into, they just see a team with a winning record. While others parents do not understand how to motivate and teach people and believe that the only way is by using screaming with fear and intimidation.

All of our Little Gretzky's are destined for beer leagues anyway.  This is actually a good life lesson for Little Gretzky that translates into the difference between a boss and a leader.  Although many will never learn this lesson.  It is not a matter of being sensitive but, the understanding of what makes a coach a good coach. 

The first time my son saw how the WW were coached he said that's the team for me.  It's called accountability, and I know it isn't for everyone.  IMO the WW is one of the best coached teams in the state, and if that particular coach raises his voice at your kid you might want to figure out why.  Mike Babcock, to whom you point as a great hockey coach and inspiring leader, is also renowned for being one of the toughest coaches around.

Well coached?  He does not even have a system, does not teach positioning or any skills it is just pressure hocky.  I have literally overheard him telling a parent that all he does is yell at the kids. There is a lid for every pot an appearly your Little Gretzky's needs to be screamed at and intimidated.

Mike Babcock and Bill Belichick are extremely tough couches. They have very high expectations and expect their players to perform.  Being a leader does not mean you do not hold people accountable it means you do not rule by fear and intimidation.  Again I do not expect most of you to grasp the concept.

I do not expect to get anywhere with this argument as most of the people who post on this thread are WW parents.

It's very conflicting because I have heard parents say that their kids team needs a coach that has more control of their team and then you have the parents that are appalled with the yelling when it comes to not doing what is asked of their little Gretzky on the ice. While the WW coach does yell, he does not belittle their kids from what I have seen. There are other coaches that I have witnessed stand on top of their bench (during a game) and yell and belittle their players. Now that is instilling fear.

For what you say he does not teach skill...they seem to have had a core for several years that won a State Championship Title....which has to mean something.


  • Midget
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  • LR Justice +60/-91
Re: What AA Bantam Teams for 2018-19?
« Reply #305 on: August 16, 2018, 10:03:50 AM »
Any scrimmage scores from tge weekend ?

I hear Wada wants to scrimmage but other teams are afraid of their parents.

Be careful, that is a sensitive group of parents.
No just think wives wont let husbands  come out for a beer.

Just mske sure, if your going to talk smack (we all do), be ready to get cracked.  Dont go pouting to mama after......

Nobody to cry to this year...

SkatingDad you either really like those parents or you have something against them because you seem to always try to say something about them.  :o :o  pretty funny.


Your coach

Ha!! Who’s the sensitive one now? Was it that you couldn’t make that team or did you not like them being so hard on your little Gretzky?

Since you asked...

Coaching requires the ability to know how to motivate each player in order to get the most out of them. Two current examples of good coaches would be Bill Belichick and Mike Babcock. Coaching is not screaming at the players and using fear and intimidation to get them to do what you want. John Tortorella is an example of a coach who uses screaming with fear and intimidation. The team will have some success until the players get tired of dealing with it. Darryl Sutter is an example for all of us Kings fans. 

If you do not want your little Gretzky to really learn how to play hockey then go with a team that has a screamer that uses fear and intimidation as a coach. There are plenty in youth hockey. These coaches have some success in youth hockey because of the revolving door of Little Gretzky's. Many parents do not know what they are getting into, they just see a team with a winning record. While others parents do not understand how to motivate and teach people and believe that the only way is by using screaming with fear and intimidation.

All of our Little Gretzky's are destined for beer leagues anyway.  This is actually a good life lesson for Little Gretzky that translates into the difference between a boss and a leader.  Although many will never learn this lesson.  It is not a matter of being sensitive but, the understanding of what makes a coach a good coach. 

The first time my son saw how the WW were coached he said that's the team for me.  It's called accountability, and I know it isn't for everyone.  IMO the WW is one of the best coached teams in the state, and if that particular coach raises his voice at your kid you might want to figure out why.  Mike Babcock, to whom you point as a great hockey coach and inspiring leader, is also renowned for being one of the toughest coaches around.

Well coached?  He does not even have a system, does not teach positioning or any skills it is just pressure hocky.  I have literally overheard him telling a parent that all he does is yell at the kids. There is a lid for every pot an appearly your Little Gretzky's needs to be screamed at and intimidated.

Mike Babcock and Bill Belichick are extremely tough couches. They have very high expectations and expect their players to perform.  Being a leader does not mean you do not hold people accountable it means you do not rule by fear and intimidation.  Again I do not expect most of you to grasp the concept.

I do not expect to get anywhere with this argument as most of the people who post on this thread are WW parents.

It's very conflicting because I have heard parents say that their kids team needs a coach that has more control of their team and then you have the parents that are appalled with the yelling when it comes to not doing what is asked of their little Gretzky on the ice. While the WW coach does yell, he does not belittle their kids from what I have seen. There are other coaches that I have witnessed stand on top of their bench (during a game) and yell and belittle their players. Now that is instilling fear.

For what you say he does not teach skill...they seem to have had a core for several years that won a State Championship Title....which has to mean something.

You need not look any further than the assistant coach for the year that won the State Championship Title .


  • Mite
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  • Posts: 41
  • LR Justice +4/-2
Re: What AA Bantam Teams for 2018-19?
« Reply #306 on: August 16, 2018, 10:14:05 AM »
Any scrimmage scores from tge weekend ?

I hear Wada wants to scrimmage but other teams are afraid of their parents.

Be careful, that is a sensitive group of parents.
No just think wives wont let husbands  come out for a beer.

Just mske sure, if your going to talk smack (we all do), be ready to get cracked.  Dont go pouting to mama after......

Nobody to cry to this year...

SkatingDad you either really like those parents or you have something against them because you seem to always try to say something about them.  :o :o  pretty funny.


Your coach

Ha!! Who’s the sensitive one now? Was it that you couldn’t make that team or did you not like them being so hard on your little Gretzky?

Since you asked...

Coaching requires the ability to know how to motivate each player in order to get the most out of them. Two current examples of good coaches would be Bill Belichick and Mike Babcock. Coaching is not screaming at the players and using fear and intimidation to get them to do what you want. John Tortorella is an example of a coach who uses screaming with fear and intimidation. The team will have some success until the players get tired of dealing with it. Darryl Sutter is an example for all of us Kings fans. 

If you do not want your little Gretzky to really learn how to play hockey then go with a team that has a screamer that uses fear and intimidation as a coach. There are plenty in youth hockey. These coaches have some success in youth hockey because of the revolving door of Little Gretzky's. Many parents do not know what they are getting into, they just see a team with a winning record. While others parents do not understand how to motivate and teach people and believe that the only way is by using screaming with fear and intimidation.

All of our Little Gretzky's are destined for beer leagues anyway.  This is actually a good life lesson for Little Gretzky that translates into the difference between a boss and a leader.  Although many will never learn this lesson.  It is not a matter of being sensitive but, the understanding of what makes a coach a good coach. 

The first time my son saw how the WW were coached he said that's the team for me.  It's called accountability, and I know it isn't for everyone.  IMO the WW is one of the best coached teams in the state, and if that particular coach raises his voice at your kid you might want to figure out why.  Mike Babcock, to whom you point as a great hockey coach and inspiring leader, is also renowned for being one of the toughest coaches around.

Well coached?  He does not even have a system, does not teach positioning or any skills it is just pressure hocky.  I have literally overheard him telling a parent that all he does is yell at the kids. There is a lid for every pot an appearly your Little Gretzky's needs to be screamed at and intimidated.

Mike Babcock and Bill Belichick are extremely tough couches. They have very high expectations and expect their players to perform.  Being a leader does not mean you do not hold people accountable it means you do not rule by fear and intimidation.  Again I do not expect most of you to grasp the concept.

I do not expect to get anywhere with this argument as most of the people who post on this thread are WW parents.

It's very conflicting because I have heard parents say that their kids team needs a coach that has more control of their team and then you have the parents that are appalled with the yelling when it comes to not doing what is asked of their little Gretzky on the ice. While the WW coach does yell, he does not belittle their kids from what I have seen. There are other coaches that I have witnessed stand on top of their bench (during a game) and yell and belittle their players. Now that is instilling fear.

For what you say he does not teach skill...they seem to have had a core for several years that won a State Championship Title....which has to mean something.

You need not look any further than the assistant coach for the year that won the State Championship Title .

Highly doubt that an assistant coach can have complete impact like that and the Head Coach not have anything to do with it. I'm sorry but you sound a little bitter....if he yelled at your kid then maybe it is time to let it go. No one is strapped to a team so if someone doesn't like something there are several clubs to chose from.


  • Midget
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  • LR Justice +60/-91
Re: What AA Bantam Teams for 2018-19?
« Reply #307 on: August 16, 2018, 10:57:53 AM »
Any scrimmage scores from tge weekend ?

I hear Wada wants to scrimmage but other teams are afraid of their parents.

Be careful, that is a sensitive group of parents.
No just think wives wont let husbands  come out for a beer.

Just mske sure, if your going to talk smack (we all do), be ready to get cracked.  Dont go pouting to mama after......

Nobody to cry to this year...

SkatingDad you either really like those parents or you have something against them because you seem to always try to say something about them.  :o :o  pretty funny.


Your coach

Ha!! Who’s the sensitive one now? Was it that you couldn’t make that team or did you not like them being so hard on your little Gretzky?

Since you asked...

Coaching requires the ability to know how to motivate each player in order to get the most out of them. Two current examples of good coaches would be Bill Belichick and Mike Babcock. Coaching is not screaming at the players and using fear and intimidation to get them to do what you want. John Tortorella is an example of a coach who uses screaming with fear and intimidation. The team will have some success until the players get tired of dealing with it. Darryl Sutter is an example for all of us Kings fans. 

If you do not want your little Gretzky to really learn how to play hockey then go with a team that has a screamer that uses fear and intimidation as a coach. There are plenty in youth hockey. These coaches have some success in youth hockey because of the revolving door of Little Gretzky's. Many parents do not know what they are getting into, they just see a team with a winning record. While others parents do not understand how to motivate and teach people and believe that the only way is by using screaming with fear and intimidation.

All of our Little Gretzky's are destined for beer leagues anyway.  This is actually a good life lesson for Little Gretzky that translates into the difference between a boss and a leader.  Although many will never learn this lesson.  It is not a matter of being sensitive but, the understanding of what makes a coach a good coach. 

The first time my son saw how the WW were coached he said that's the team for me.  It's called accountability, and I know it isn't for everyone.  IMO the WW is one of the best coached teams in the state, and if that particular coach raises his voice at your kid you might want to figure out why.  Mike Babcock, to whom you point as a great hockey coach and inspiring leader, is also renowned for being one of the toughest coaches around.

Well coached?  He does not even have a system, does not teach positioning or any skills it is just pressure hocky.  I have literally overheard him telling a parent that all he does is yell at the kids. There is a lid for every pot an appearly your Little Gretzky's needs to be screamed at and intimidated.

Mike Babcock and Bill Belichick are extremely tough couches. They have very high expectations and expect their players to perform.  Being a leader does not mean you do not hold people accountable it means you do not rule by fear and intimidation.  Again I do not expect most of you to grasp the concept.

I do not expect to get anywhere with this argument as most of the people who post on this thread are WW parents.

It's very conflicting because I have heard parents say that their kids team needs a coach that has more control of their team and then you have the parents that are appalled with the yelling when it comes to not doing what is asked of their little Gretzky on the ice. While the WW coach does yell, he does not belittle their kids from what I have seen. There are other coaches that I have witnessed stand on top of their bench (during a game) and yell and belittle their players. Now that is instilling fear.

For what you say he does not teach skill...they seem to have had a core for several years that won a State Championship Title....which has to mean something.

You need not look any further than the assistant coach for the year that won the State Championship Title .

Highly doubt that an assistant coach can have complete impact like that and the Head Coach not have anything to do with it. I'm sorry but you sound a little bitter....if he yelled at your kid then maybe it is time to let it go. No one is strapped to a team so if someone doesn't like something there are several clubs to chose from.

I do not care that he yelled at my kid, I yell at him almost every day.  Yelling is not the problem it is when it is combined with fear and intimidation. I am not bitter, I am a protector and do not like to see kids abused.  I poke fun at some to the parents and others take offense, just like you. 

That assistant was there one year and only one year and that is the only year that team won.  Does not take a rocket scientist to see the connection.


  • Mite
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  • Posts: 41
  • LR Justice +4/-2
Re: What AA Bantam Teams for 2018-19?
« Reply #308 on: August 16, 2018, 11:05:41 AM »
Any scrimmage scores from tge weekend ?

I hear Wada wants to scrimmage but other teams are afraid of their parents.

Be careful, that is a sensitive group of parents.
No just think wives wont let husbands  come out for a beer.

Just mske sure, if your going to talk smack (we all do), be ready to get cracked.  Dont go pouting to mama after......

Nobody to cry to this year...

SkatingDad you either really like those parents or you have something against them because you seem to always try to say something about them.  :o :o  pretty funny.


Your coach

Ha!! Who’s the sensitive one now? Was it that you couldn’t make that team or did you not like them being so hard on your little Gretzky?

Since you asked...

Coaching requires the ability to know how to motivate each player in order to get the most out of them. Two current examples of good coaches would be Bill Belichick and Mike Babcock. Coaching is not screaming at the players and using fear and intimidation to get them to do what you want. John Tortorella is an example of a coach who uses screaming with fear and intimidation. The team will have some success until the players get tired of dealing with it. Darryl Sutter is an example for all of us Kings fans. 

If you do not want your little Gretzky to really learn how to play hockey then go with a team that has a screamer that uses fear and intimidation as a coach. There are plenty in youth hockey. These coaches have some success in youth hockey because of the revolving door of Little Gretzky's. Many parents do not know what they are getting into, they just see a team with a winning record. While others parents do not understand how to motivate and teach people and believe that the only way is by using screaming with fear and intimidation.

All of our Little Gretzky's are destined for beer leagues anyway.  This is actually a good life lesson for Little Gretzky that translates into the difference between a boss and a leader.  Although many will never learn this lesson.  It is not a matter of being sensitive but, the understanding of what makes a coach a good coach. 

The first time my son saw how the WW were coached he said that's the team for me.  It's called accountability, and I know it isn't for everyone.  IMO the WW is one of the best coached teams in the state, and if that particular coach raises his voice at your kid you might want to figure out why.  Mike Babcock, to whom you point as a great hockey coach and inspiring leader, is also renowned for being one of the toughest coaches around.

Well coached?  He does not even have a system, does not teach positioning or any skills it is just pressure hocky.  I have literally overheard him telling a parent that all he does is yell at the kids. There is a lid for every pot an appearly your Little Gretzky's needs to be screamed at and intimidated.

Mike Babcock and Bill Belichick are extremely tough couches. They have very high expectations and expect their players to perform.  Being a leader does not mean you do not hold people accountable it means you do not rule by fear and intimidation.  Again I do not expect most of you to grasp the concept.

I do not expect to get anywhere with this argument as most of the people who post on this thread are WW parents.

It's very conflicting because I have heard parents say that their kids team needs a coach that has more control of their team and then you have the parents that are appalled with the yelling when it comes to not doing what is asked of their little Gretzky on the ice. While the WW coach does yell, he does not belittle their kids from what I have seen. There are other coaches that I have witnessed stand on top of their bench (during a game) and yell and belittle their players. Now that is instilling fear.

For what you say he does not teach skill...they seem to have had a core for several years that won a State Championship Title....which has to mean something.

You need not look any further than the assistant coach for the year that won the State Championship Title .

Highly doubt that an assistant coach can have complete impact like that and the Head Coach not have anything to do with it. I'm sorry but you sound a little bitter....if he yelled at your kid then maybe it is time to let it go. No one is strapped to a team so if someone doesn't like something there are several clubs to chose from.

I do not care that he yelled at my kid, I yell at him almost every day.  Yelling is not the problem it is when it is combined with fear and intimidation. I am not bitter, I am a protector and do not like to see kids abused.  I poke fun at some to the parents and others take offense, just like you. 

That assistant was there one year and only one year and that is the only year that team won.  Does not take a rocket scientist to see the connection.

I'm not taking offense just stating an honest opinion that you do not seem to like....quite honestly I could care less.

Just looked up the past schedules and looks like they have typically for the most part done well and made playoffs. still sound bitter, even when someone just provided you with an opinion and was not in any way attacking you. Enjoy your kids'll be done before you know it.


  • Mite
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  • Posts: 10
  • LR Justice +5/-2
Re: What AA Bantam Teams for 2018-19?
« Reply #309 on: August 16, 2018, 11:14:33 AM »
@ SkatingDad - Clearly your experience with Wada was not a good one, but your comments lead me to believe that you haven't spent a significant portion of time with him.
I have, and while he's not the perfect coach (don't believe there is such a thing), he is a good coach and the right coach for my son.  Under Wada's coaching, my son has developed tremendously and is playing the best I have ever seen him play, and this is due to my son's hard work, and the coaching he receives from Wada and his staff.  Have the assistant coaches contributed positively to WW success - Sure, why else would they be brought in, but they are not the only reason. 

Wada has developed a culture of expectation and consequences for not meeting expectation.  Every player has been held accountable for ON and OFF ice performance, and playing time has been adjusted for not meeting that expectation.  He is a good fit for my son, and the core group that have played with him for many seasons, and if you ask the parents, they will tell you that their sons want to play for Wada.
As far as his style, if you think your little gretzky isn't going to face yelling and intimidation in life outside of hockey, then your son is in for a big surprise.  Our kids are playing the greatest game in the world, working hard and learning life lessons that will extend and prepare them for future adversity.


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Re: What AA Bantam Teams for 2018-19?
« Reply #310 on: August 16, 2018, 11:15:02 AM »
Any scrimmage scores from tge weekend ?

I hear Wada wants to scrimmage but other teams are afraid of their parents.

Be careful, that is a sensitive group of parents.
No just think wives wont let husbands  come out for a beer.

Just mske sure, if your going to talk smack (we all do), be ready to get cracked.  Dont go pouting to mama after......

Nobody to cry to this year...

SkatingDad you either really like those parents or you have something against them because you seem to always try to say something about them.  :o :o  pretty funny.


Your coach

Ha!! Who’s the sensitive one now? Was it that you couldn’t make that team or did you not like them being so hard on your little Gretzky?

Since you asked...

Coaching requires the ability to know how to motivate each player in order to get the most out of them. Two current examples of good coaches would be Bill Belichick and Mike Babcock. Coaching is not screaming at the players and using fear and intimidation to get them to do what you want. John Tortorella is an example of a coach who uses screaming with fear and intimidation. The team will have some success until the players get tired of dealing with it. Darryl Sutter is an example for all of us Kings fans. 

If you do not want your little Gretzky to really learn how to play hockey then go with a team that has a screamer that uses fear and intimidation as a coach. There are plenty in youth hockey. These coaches have some success in youth hockey because of the revolving door of Little Gretzky's. Many parents do not know what they are getting into, they just see a team with a winning record. While others parents do not understand how to motivate and teach people and believe that the only way is by using screaming with fear and intimidation.

All of our Little Gretzky's are destined for beer leagues anyway.  This is actually a good life lesson for Little Gretzky that translates into the difference between a boss and a leader.  Although many will never learn this lesson.  It is not a matter of being sensitive but, the understanding of what makes a coach a good coach. 

The first time my son saw how the WW were coached he said that's the team for me.  It's called accountability, and I know it isn't for everyone.  IMO the WW is one of the best coached teams in the state, and if that particular coach raises his voice at your kid you might want to figure out why.  Mike Babcock, to whom you point as a great hockey coach and inspiring leader, is also renowned for being one of the toughest coaches around.

Well coached?  He does not even have a system, does not teach positioning or any skills it is just pressure hocky.  I have literally overheard him telling a parent that all he does is yell at the kids. There is a lid for every pot an appearly your Little Gretzky's needs to be screamed at and intimidated.

Mike Babcock and Bill Belichick are extremely tough couches. They have very high expectations and expect their players to perform.  Being a leader does not mean you do not hold people accountable it means you do not rule by fear and intimidation.  Again I do not expect most of you to grasp the concept.

I do not expect to get anywhere with this argument as most of the people who post on this thread are WW parents.

It's very conflicting because I have heard parents say that their kids team needs a coach that has more control of their team and then you have the parents that are appalled with the yelling when it comes to not doing what is asked of their little Gretzky on the ice. While the WW coach does yell, he does not belittle their kids from what I have seen. There are other coaches that I have witnessed stand on top of their bench (during a game) and yell and belittle their players. Now that is instilling fear.

For what you say he does not teach skill...they seem to have had a core for several years that won a State Championship Title....which has to mean something.

You need not look any further than the assistant coach for the year that won the State Championship Title .

Highly doubt that an assistant coach can have complete impact like that and the Head Coach not have anything to do with it. I'm sorry but you sound a little bitter....if he yelled at your kid then maybe it is time to let it go. No one is strapped to a team so if someone doesn't like something there are several clubs to chose from.

I do not care that he yelled at my kid, I yell at him almost every day.  Yelling is not the problem it is when it is combined with fear and intimidation. I am not bitter, I am a protector and do not like to see kids abused.  I poke fun at some to the parents and others take offense, just like you. 

That assistant was there one year and only one year and that is the only year that team won.  Does not take a rocket scientist to see the connection.

I'm not taking offense just stating an honest opinion that you do not seem to like....quite honestly I could care less.

Just looked up the past schedules and looks like they have typically for the most part done well and made playoffs. still sound bitter, even when someone just provided you with an opinion and was not in any way attacking you. Enjoy your kids'll be done before you know it.

Bitter about the abuse I have witnessed?  Absolutely!  There are 5-6 other coaches that I have seen do similar things that also causes bitterness.  I would point this out to anyone that post about those coaches too. I am not going to attack anyone out of the blue as that is petty.  I only comment on other postings.

All of this will be over before we know it then, we will all be sitting home and going through youth hockey withdrawals.


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Re: What AA Bantam Teams for 2018-19?
« Reply #311 on: August 16, 2018, 11:17:15 AM »
@ SkatingDad - Clearly your experience with Wada was not a good one, but your comments lead me to believe that you haven't spent a significant portion of time with him.
I have, and while he's not the perfect coach (don't believe there is such a thing), he is a good coach and the right coach for my son.  Under Wada's coaching, my son has developed tremendously and is playing the best I have ever seen him play, and this is due to my son's hard work, and the coaching he receives from Wada and his staff.  Have the assistant coaches contributed positively to WW success - Sure, why else would they be brought in, but they are not the only reason. 

Wada has developed a culture of expectation and consequences for not meeting expectation.  Every player has been held accountable for ON and OFF ice performance, and playing time has been adjusted for not meeting that expectation.  He is a good fit for my son, and the core group that have played with him for many seasons, and if you ask the parents, they will tell you that their sons want to play for Wada.
As far as his style, if you think your little gretzky isn't going to face yelling and intimidation in life outside of hockey, then your son is in for a big surprise.  Our kids are playing the greatest game in the world, working hard and learning life lessons that will extend and prepare them for future adversity.

There is a lid for every pot. 

The point is you do not have to put up with yelling and intimidation, it always ends badly.


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Re: What AA Bantam Teams for 2018-19?
« Reply #312 on: August 16, 2018, 11:18:26 AM »
This is fun  ;D


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Re: What AA Bantam Teams for 2018-19?
« Reply #313 on: August 16, 2018, 11:33:42 AM »
It's good to see some action in here.

No one moments on the Jamburee schedule?

Also the real good assistant coach that helped Wave win states. Isn't this the same guy who was head coach of the 2 win Bantam A team last year? I guess he had a crappy assistant coach last season.


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Re: What AA Bantam Teams for 2018-19?
« Reply #314 on: August 16, 2018, 11:34:53 AM »

Just signed me Marvel.

......5/6 coaches....your kid played for only 8 years.....there must be a lot on MEAN  coaches out there !!

....or is Super Dad the issue ??