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Author Topic: PeeWee A 2018/2019  (Read 115442 times)


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Re: PeeWee A 2018/2019
« Reply #75 on: October 19, 2018, 11:38:52 AM »
Give it a rip, the flight II PWAA teams are afraid to play a PWA team in a scrimmage in fear they will lose and face the reality they're really a PWA team.

Is it true that the Maple Leafs PWAA scrimmaged the Bears PWA  this past weekend? Anyone know the score?

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Re: PeeWee A 2018/2019
« Reply #76 on: October 19, 2018, 12:30:26 PM »
"The problem is as a parent and a player you join a team from a reputable club with the expectation that they will field a competitive team.  With the way that the tryout and LOI system is set up in California, you have little ability to make that determination yourself and then you are stuck with the LOI. You have to buy yourself out of the contract to move clubs.  If a club fields a AA team that is an A team and it drops and true AA players from that team go elsewhere, then that is on the club.  It really is not fair to the kids who are higher level players to be stuck on a team that is not at their level. If teams imploded more because the clubs field uncompetitive teams, then clubs would be more careful to field competitive teams at the appropriate level."
Bingo; we've got a winner

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Re: PeeWee A 2018/2019
« Reply #77 on: October 20, 2018, 09:34:17 AM »
Pucks, 5 goals for and 65 against at about the time of the CAHA decision isn't just about winning but appropriate level of team placement.   I doubt that there are many parents or kids who, when asked, would say they love to have their a$$ handed to them every time they went on the ice.   It is also about development playing with teammates who challenge you at each practice, who have skills appropriate for the level of play, and relatively even competition in games.   There were clearly parents on that 5-65 team who wanted to extra A without fully understanding what that level of competition. 


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Re: PeeWee A 2018/2019
« Reply #78 on: October 21, 2018, 07:22:27 AM »
So I guess the pee wee A thread is the place to be.  A lot of stuff being thrown around here.  I wanted to comment on releases.  Unless something has changed this year, a player does not have a right to release just because they prefer to be on a better team.  I know a parent or two who wanted a release for that very reason this season and were denied releases.

I would also disagree with the comment that parents have little ability to determine a teams competitiveness before signing an LOI.  It’s all right in front of you during spring skates, tournament rosters and tournament results.  Particularly by the time your kid has reached AA, you should have a pretty good handle on the skill level of the players who are trying out for the team are. I would also suggest that is very difficult to put together a competitive AA team in one spring. 


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Re: PeeWee A 2018/2019
« Reply #79 on: October 21, 2018, 09:45:23 PM »
Yes you can get a release by December 1st. You just have to cite the rule to them. It is called a player drop from the team.

There is no such rule, so I don't know what you are referring to.  First of all, "dropping" is not technically the same as leaving one club to join another.  Dropping in general refers to the case where a kid quits hockey at least for the season and doesn't want to play anymore.  Then there is the case of "changing teams" which requires and is referred to as a "release".  Of course there is also a whole rule section on temporary releases, for players to join other teams purely for tournament play.

What is essentially rubber stamped in the rules is a player leaving a team to go either up or down a division.   If you are asking for a release, so that your AA player can join a AAA team, then the club has no claim to stop you.  If you want your kid to drop from their AA team to join an A team, then that is also allowed. 

At least in the CAHA rules there is a section about seeking a "personal preference" release.    To go to another club within a division, you have to have some hardship claim and even then you have to be "released" by your club.  The club can take as long as 14 days to even answer a request for a release, and even within that context the club can say no.  CAHA and SCAHA are member organizations where the members are the clubs, not the parents.  There is no way they want to promote the wild west of parent whimsy, which is why there are LOI's and contracts.  They certainly don't want people club hopping within a division.  In fact, one of the things you see specifically in the rules is discussion of money owed.  Even if a club agrees to release a player, the player can't play anywhere else if the club maintains that the original family owes them money.  This is what was being referred to as "buyout".

The December dates are intended to lock down rosters and determine whether or not kids will be playoff eligible.
« Last Edit: October 21, 2018, 09:46:02 PM by lcadad »


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Re: PeeWee A 2018/2019
« Reply #80 on: October 22, 2018, 07:55:03 AM »
So I guess the pee wee A thread is the place to be.  A lot of stuff being thrown around here.  I wanted to comment on releases.  Unless something has changed this year, a player does not have a right to release just because they prefer to be on a better team.  I know a parent or two who wanted a release for that very reason this season and were denied releases.

I would also disagree with the comment that parents have little ability to determine a teams competitiveness before signing an LOI.  It’s all right in front of you during spring skates, tournament rosters and tournament results.  Particularly by the time your kid has reached AA, you should have a pretty good handle on the skill level of the players who are trying out for the team are. I would also suggest that is very difficult to put together a competitive AA team in one spring.

It depends on who shows up for the tryouts.  You can have plenty of people at Spring skates and they do not show for tryouts even though they told the coach they would. Off season tournaments are are not a measuring stick most serious kids do not play local off season tournaments.
« Last Edit: October 22, 2018, 07:55:50 AM by SkatingDad »


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Re: PeeWee A 2018/2019
« Reply #81 on: October 22, 2018, 09:20:25 AM »
Skating Dad:  your experience and opinion are completely different than mine regarding Spring. Its just not accurate to say most serious kids don't play local Spring tournaments.  For example, go look at the rosters for Carmen Starr at the 06 level and you will have a hard time finding many serious AA players who did not play.  I would respectfully suggest that at the pee wee level, if your player and group are not doing spring tournaments, those are pretty significant indications to call into question whether the team will be competitive. If they are doing tournaments, which ones, at what level, and what are the results?  If your team/coach/club does not have its act together for Memorial Day, chances are it won't for tryouts the next week or two later.  As far as players not showing up en masse, when I have seen that happen, there were warning signs that the coach or remaining families somehow did not see or chose to ignore. It may not always be obvious that player or two may choose to go to a different tryout, but its no secret if your team is or is not attracting skilled players trying to make the team.  If its not doing the latter, that is also a pretty good indication that the team's prospects are relatively limited. 


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Re: PeeWee A 2018/2019
« Reply #82 on: October 22, 2018, 09:31:48 AM »
Skating Dad:  your experience and opinion are completely different than mine regarding Spring. Its just not accurate to say most serious kids don't play local Spring tournaments.  For example, go look at the rosters for Carmen Starr at the 06 level and you will have a hard time finding many serious AA players who did not play.  I would respectfully suggest that at the pee wee level, if your player and group are not doing spring tournaments, those are pretty significant indications to call into question whether the team will be competitive. If they are doing tournaments, which ones, at what level, and what are the results?  If your team/coach/club does not have its act together for Memorial Day, chances are it won't for tryouts the next week or two later.  As far as players not showing up en masse, when I have seen that happen, there were warning signs that the coach or remaining families somehow did not see or chose to ignore. It may not always be obvious that player or two may choose to go to a different tryout, but its no secret if your team is or is not attracting skilled players trying to make the team.  If its not doing the latter, that is also a pretty good indication that the team's prospects are relatively limited.

Sorry I am beyond girls hockey forgot where I was posting :)  PW is when it starts to change but, it really changes once you start playing real hockey.  Players leave CA and go east...

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Re: PeeWee A 2018/2019
« Reply #83 on: October 22, 2018, 10:14:49 AM »
I would have to AGREE with "the 4th A".   Any upsets over the weekend in PWA & PWAA?  I don't leave the South Bay area.


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Re: PeeWee A 2018/2019
« Reply #84 on: October 22, 2018, 11:28:47 AM »
"Off the script" went Mariners-Ducks 2 game - so Mariners now have 3 wins, their schedule is tough but if they continue getting points vs top-tier teams...

 Also - now we probably can "officially" downgrade Gulls 2 to 2nd tier and OC 2 to 3rd.

 Gulls 3 having beaten Gulls 2 (also, technically "off the script") and Goldrush2 tying Heat - both teams with light schedule going forward - looking to wide open play-off door.

Finally, games vs lady Ducks are called exhibition right now and do not count in the standings so we have correct picture there.


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Re: PeeWee A 2018/2019
« Reply #85 on: October 22, 2018, 12:45:48 PM »
Give it a rip, the flight II PWAA teams are afraid to play a PWA team in a scrimmage in fear they will lose and face the reality they're really a PWA team.

Is it true that the Maple Leafs PWAA scrimmaged the Bears PWA  this past weekend? Anyone know the score?

Scrimmage was back on 9/29  ended in tie. 3-3


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Re: PeeWee A 2018/2019
« Reply #86 on: October 23, 2018, 10:56:29 PM »
PWA hockey is hot Garbage. 

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Re: PeeWee A 2018/2019
« Reply #87 on: October 24, 2018, 08:19:39 AM »
Brazzers,  Go watch some PWAA games.   That is HOT GARAGE at a higher level.   Nothing like watching 3 or 4 kids on each team who are true PWAA level players and rest of the bench trying to keep up?  Equals "S_ _ _ Show".


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Re: PeeWee A 2018/2019
« Reply #88 on: October 24, 2018, 10:32:55 AM »
Well, one might argue that European hockey stinks or even some NHL teams suck and you can't watch them as it's a bad product. So that discussion leads us nowhere. I guess, a guy was just throwing it out to start trolling.... or is it a parent from PWAA/AAA team that proudly wears that AA/AAA badge.


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Re: PeeWee A 2018/2019
« Reply #89 on: October 24, 2018, 12:24:34 PM »
Don’t be jealous.