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Author Topic: Coronavirus, CAHA/SCAHA WHAT'S YOUR PLAN?!?!?!?  (Read 20975 times)


  • Peewee
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  • LR Justice +40/-61
Re: Coronavirus, CAHA/SCAHA WHAT'S YOUR PLAN?!?!?!?
« Reply #15 on: March 13, 2020, 10:52:49 AM »
pats BladesofSteel on back.. 8) .    Hockey is indeed a contact sport.  In a game devoid of any spectators... Coach or Player A picks up virus from bench, say he drops his glove or grease pen...  (say said virus is from last nights adult league - say adult beer drinker sneezed on the bench after a shift, he feels  sick but came non the less because its his only chance to get out and get some exercise. - virus sits on bench in a nice cold damp spot - very happy for days and waiting for someone to touch it).    Coach or Player A transfers to other people (maybe on other team) during play - say Player B.

Player A or coach goes home, infects a high risk person in family - say at a small get together < 50 people.   That high risk person(s) health is now in jeopardy - even though everyone in that hockey game followed the guidelines - EXCEPT social distancing requirement by the teams themselves.  The High Risk person goes to ER - and has to wait because of the many other similar events unfolding across the community.  We begin to exceed our ability to treat and handle cases.   This is happening because people believe that their event is more important than what the CDC and WHO and all governments and municipalities are recommending.    LA proper has put in place a ban of all gatherings > 50 people for public government events.  Everyone needs to do their part to help slow down the spread so it will be manageable,

Player B lives 90 miles away. does the same - a similar story unfolds.  When does it end? We must stop looking for other people to solve this.  Because it will take everyone's action and short term sacrifice on events like these to help slow this down.

Both people have now inadvertently impacted others with unintended consequence.  High Risk people have a mortality rate > 10%  btw. 

Most people would never willingly fly in a plane that has a 1/10 chance of going down.      Non the less, we would be potentially forcing the elderly and immune compromised peopled into the very scenario.

There are documented reasons why sports are being cancelled, its not just the spectators and workers at risk.   It is also player interaction.  Its physically impossible to keep separation during a sporting event.

Granted, the odds of the above happening are low - but NOT that low.  Ask yourself how an isolated nursing home in Seattle has now over 20 deaths?  I am sure no one there left the building.

I do not know of anyone who wishes to land on the wrong side of that scenario - for the sake of a recreational sport.  I believe little league has cancelled all practices for a month because of this.  There is no way to play a sport and maintain a distance of 6 feet, etc.   

I applaud Blades for ringing the bell.   Well done.   
« Last Edit: March 13, 2020, 11:24:44 AM by fistocuffs »


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Re: Coronavirus, CAHA/SCAHA WHAT'S YOUR PLAN?!?!?!?
« Reply #16 on: March 13, 2020, 11:35:12 AM »

We will all be exposed (if we have not already been) no matter what you do, it is inevitable. There is no way to contain a virus.


  • Peewee
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  • LR Justice +40/-61
Re: Coronavirus, CAHA/SCAHA WHAT'S YOUR PLAN?!?!?!?
« Reply #17 on: March 13, 2020, 11:40:39 AM »
Very true.  The concept adopted by ALL health organizations is to slow it down so we do not hit the critical point of exhausting care facilities.  Meaning people do not die because they cannot get a respirator or drugs or a hospital bed.

There is a well known curve (spike vs hill) floating around.


  • Peewee
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  • LR Justice +29/-22
Re: Coronavirus, CAHA/SCAHA WHAT'S YOUR PLAN?!?!?!?
« Reply #18 on: March 13, 2020, 12:33:53 PM »
It is not about containing the virus; it is about reducing the spread which is a hugely important factor.  Recognizing it will spread, preparing for the spread, and putting systems and procedures in place is what is most important. 

Not-so-fun-fact:  it will be dormant all summer and bounce back 10-20 times worse next winter.  We need to do everything we can now to reduce that projection.


  • Squirt
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  • LR Justice +2/-1
Re: Coronavirus, CAHA/SCAHA WHAT'S YOUR PLAN?!?!?!?
« Reply #19 on: March 14, 2020, 01:01:20 AM »
Remaining CAHA State Events Status Mar 13, 2020  9:59 PM March 13, 2020

 To: All CAHA Members

 Re: Remaining 2019-2020 CAHA State Events Cancellation

 Dear Participant Members,

 Effective immediately by unanimous vote, CAHA has cancelled all remaining CAHA Post Season events. This includes CAHA Select Camp scheduled for March 20-22, 2020, in Lakewood, and Youth A/BB/B and High School 1B/2B State Championships scheduled for March 27-29, 2020 in San Jose.

 This decision was made after careful deliberation and in the primary interest of protecting the health and safety of our member clubs, spectators, and most importantly, our athletes.

 While we understand this decision is disappointing, we strongly believe that the opportunity to compete in these events does not outweigh our obligation to place the health and safety of our membership above all else. The impact of COVID-19 has created many unexpected challenges as our season draws to an end, and we want to thank everyone involved for their flexibility, patience, and commitment in providing our athletes a great experience despite this unique situation.

 Lastly, we want to recognize the hard work and commitment our athletes/teams have made to reach their respective League Playoffs/Championships that would have qualified them to advance to CAHA State Championships, and salute them for the accomplishment.


 Thomas Hancock


  • Squirt
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  • LR Justice +22/-8
Re: Coronavirus, CAHA/SCAHA WHAT'S YOUR PLAN?!?!?!?
« Reply #20 on: April 21, 2020, 02:09:58 PM »
It is not about containing the virus; it is about reducing the spread which is a hugely important factor.  Recognizing it will spread, preparing for the spread, and putting systems and procedures in place is what is most important. 

Not-so-fun-fact:  it will be dormant all summer and bounce back 10-20 times worse next winter.  We need to do everything we can now to reduce that projection.

So with a potential bounce back next winter, which will be the heart of the season, are many people going to skip this coming off-season of travel and just play in a local in-house program(?  Or are we going to hope in this devastated economy that rinks and clubs(hopefully not like Valencia) will be refunding participants?  Not sure how some of the smaller clubs will survive this. 

I'm curious how the bounce back will be in the coming weeks or months.  The Rinks are scheduled for 6/1, Not sure about LA, I see one rink scheduled to open on 5/1. 

Who's standing outside the rink on 5/1 20 minutes before the rink opens in anticipation and who's nervous about showing up to a tryout in late June?  Or finally, who's just enjoying seeing their 13 year old, full time hockey player, trying to ride a bike looking awkward as hell because they never had time to learn or ride one prior to all of this?


  • Mite
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Re: Coronavirus, CAHA/SCAHA WHAT'S YOUR PLAN?!?!?!?
« Reply #21 on: April 27, 2020, 10:24:33 AM »
Which rink is opening on 5/1?


  • Peewee
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  • LR Justice +16/-39
Re: Coronavirus, CAHA/SCAHA WHAT'S YOUR PLAN?!?!?!?
« Reply #22 on: April 28, 2020, 05:49:07 PM »

 I do not know for sure - but looks like youth hockey should fall into stage 3 - which is months away according to the governor. So it might not be any hockey until fall or later. Unless, somehow it might be considered stage 2 (or they will rearrange things) and then it's week away. 

Copying his tweet did not work perfectly - but you can find it on your own...

[size=inherit]STAGE 3: Higher Risk Workplaces Gradually re-opening some higher risk environments with adaptations and limits on size of gatherings. This will include: -Personal care (hair salons, nail salons, gyms) -Movie theaters -Sports without live audiences -In-person religious services[/size]

« Last Edit: April 28, 2020, 05:50:13 PM by alfirst »


  • Peewee
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  • LR Justice +29/-22
Re: Coronavirus, CAHA/SCAHA WHAT'S YOUR PLAN?!?!?!?
« Reply #23 on: May 14, 2020, 09:16:31 PM »
CAHA is making a huge mistake. 

They 1,000% do NOT have a plan for the Oct-Jan flu season coming.  The season will halt AGAIN for 2-3 months and CAHA has no plan. 

Facts.  Tryouts re pushed to no sooner than Aug 22.  Not much room for a season.  It is DOOMED...


  • Squirt
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  • LR Justice +27/-11
Re: Coronavirus, CAHA/SCAHA WHAT'S YOUR PLAN?!?!?!?
« Reply #24 on: May 15, 2020, 08:33:32 AM »
Blades just came out of hibernation with his doom and gloom.   Our construction sites have not stopped for 1 day since this all went down and still not one case, with hundreds of workers on site daily.    We all either had it already, or are asymptomatic.  Lets get back to life, and sequester the weak or vulnerable.
« Last Edit: May 15, 2020, 09:04:22 AM by Moderator »


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Re: Coronavirus, CAHA/SCAHA WHAT'S YOUR PLAN?!?!?!?
« Reply #25 on: May 18, 2020, 03:24:48 PM »
CAHA is making a huge mistake. 

They 1,000% do NOT have a plan for the Oct-Jan flu season coming.  The season will halt AGAIN for 2-3 months and CAHA has no plan. 

Facts.  Tryouts re pushed to no sooner than Aug 22.  Not much room for a season.  It is DOOMED...
You should pull your kid out of hockey so you are not exposed.  You are obviously living in fear!


  • Peewee
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  • LR Justice +59/-56
Re: Coronavirus, CAHA/SCAHA WHAT'S YOUR PLAN?!?!?!?
« Reply #26 on: May 19, 2020, 12:19:18 PM »
Nothing to be afraid of here folks, just give your kids their daily dose of hydroxychloroquine and this virus will miraculously go away when weather warms up. It's a hoax to begin with, remember? Don't get tested either since it will only show more covid19 cases and that's just simply not acceptable. Forget the FDA, CDC, WHO and those fancy doctors and scientists, they don't know sh*t anyhow. No need for avoiding crowds, face masks and any preventive measures that will limit your freedom. The only things that's essential is our freedom!!! We are Americans, how dare they lock us down!

Hard truth people, only the strong should survive.


  • Peewee
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  • LR Justice +16/-39
Re: Coronavirus, CAHA/SCAHA WHAT'S YOUR PLAN?!?!?!?
« Reply #27 on: May 19, 2020, 01:11:50 PM »

That is exactly the vibe I am hearing from some locals (and you may take educational guess what party they support)

"Obese, smoking, diabetes people made their choice sometime ago - now it's their turn to face the consequences. We are exercising, fit, go to the beach - we won't die".

 And for the record - I am not local and do not belong to any parties. We as a family are not hiding or especially fearful but we are not full blown supporters of -  let's pretend nothing has happened either.
Will be interesting to see what they will do with youth hockey and hopefully they will listen to professionals on that


  • Peewee
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  • LR Justice +77/-47
Re: Coronavirus, CAHA/SCAHA WHAT'S YOUR PLAN?!?!?!?
« Reply #28 on: May 19, 2020, 01:14:39 PM »
I urge you to have respect for both sides. It’s something we can learn from each other. The other side is not filled with senseless idiots. These are your friends at the rink. They might have different perspectives, but who the heck wants to talk to someone just like themselves? 

That might be the real epidemic of this generation. 

If this post offends you, please make sure you post a long list of angry invectives in your reply. 😄


  • Peewee
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  • LR Justice +26/-12
Re: Coronavirus, CAHA/SCAHA WHAT'S YOUR PLAN?!?!?!?
« Reply #29 on: May 19, 2020, 02:45:07 PM »
Well, it looks like we can take a break for about a month until we hear from SCAHA/CAHA about their guess as to how to proceed with tryouts and next fall.  I for one am hoping they keep things "drive-able local", as indoor sports (let alone cold and damp ones) are high contagion risk activities to begin with.  Fortunately we historically have had enough teams to accomplish this.

Travel:  As the greatest concentration of infections was and is clearly in the northeast and mid-west, interest in travel to those hockey hotbeds will remain zero for many.  Really, any amount of airline travel will be quite complicated (few schedule options, more health checks, etc.).  How many of us are not doing airline travel this Summer during the time which this virus will be seasonally recedent?  Going further, even 7 hour long bus rides between Norcal and Socal will increase the possibility of infection dramatically.  So, the liabilities of "team contagion" aside, who would be willing to commit to a costly 7 month season where you not only have a good chance of another schedule stoppage but further don't have opt out control on the required travel?  Unfortunately, for now, this is the temporary real situation.  And for those thinking of going out of state (again), same is true there. 

In times of uncertainty like this pandemic, sometimes the payoff is just not worth the risk.  We have managed to successfully work and school from home.  A single season of local only games will be just fine as well and has the added benefit of financial support for the local rinks budgets.  The game is great no matter where you play it.

(PS: Please feel free to face wash, as I will then know you read this.)