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Author Topic: Corona virus  (Read 34301 times)

Hockey sophist

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Re: Corona virus
« Reply #75 on: May 22, 2020, 03:40:02 PM »
It's not a puzzle, it's called freedom and it's why people choose to live here including millions of immigrants both legal and illegal.   If you prefer all of those other places then why are you here?  Leave! It's your freedom that allows you to do that.

Your moniker is spot on minus the hockey -  Sophist: a person who reasons with clever but fallacious and deceptive arguments
Good post OneandDone.  The name was selected to discount my views on ice hockey and was intended as self-deprecating.  I doubt that embracing Trumpian authority is freedom and the puzzle was about how many here would score high on the F-scale. 

Clearly relative to most of Latin America, the US is a haven politically and economically.   For others, especially those from Asia who often come here for an education, there is a great future that often involves living here but leveraging social  and business network back home.  All those immigrants help make America great, even those who plant and harvest our food, prepare our meats, clean our homes, trim our gardens, prepare our fast food meals, and provide various craft services. 

As for why I am here, that is a good question.  We are evaluating alternatives and contingencies.   But for a family of four including a student and ice hockey player it is complex.   But I do hear echoes of "Love it or Leave It" in your comment?  If our conman President loses in November and there are intense complaints from the "gun loving, knuckle dragging" crowd (someone else's phrase), will you say the same to them?   No, because only they have authentic love of America.   Everything else is fake. 


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Re: Corona virus
« Reply #76 on: May 22, 2020, 06:27:21 PM »
How is it projecting to take your actual words “of which I read over 50 years ago” and calculate that you must be in your late 60s or early 70s?  It's either that or you lied, otherwise you would have a kid that would have aged out years ago?  It’s hilarious that you say “But I do hear echoes of "Love it or Leave It" in your comment?” and I’m the one projecting by using your actual words?

You don’t know a thing about me but you group me in as a knuckle dragging, gun loving, blah blah blah.  I don’t own a gun, I’m pro-choice, I believe in legal marijuana, I’m not very religious, I could go on but I’m sure with your superior knowledge and Low F-scale you can understand that there are people that fall closer to the middle.  People like Howard Stern who attack people who voted for Trump by calling them idiots are really causing more harm than good (just canceled 4 Siriusxm accounts) as are people like you who can’t even conceive that Trump may be a better choice than the alternative.  The biggest problem for me and many of my friends is that after Trump won the election, Democrats acted like crying, kicking and screaming babies and it didn’t happen the other way around when Obama was elected.  I consistently watched CNN, MSNBC, Fox News, OAN and it’s easy to see that the media is so biased that it’s sickening.  As much as I’d like Trump to stop with many of his tweets/statements, he is our voted President and has been treated like $hit by the media and the partisan BS that he’s had to deal with. 

Sadly, the choices going forward with the Democratic nominee leave many in my position without much choice (although a vote for Trump in CA is basically useless).  Trump is at least a businessman and not a puppet.  Biden today “If you have a problem figuring out if you're for me or Trump, then you ain't black”.  WOW, most of the time he can’t even put a sentence together (actually sad).  So, I think as some have said before, there are many closet Trump supporters and people like you are just causing more harm than good.

To me, freedom is the ability to act, speak, or think as one wants without hindrance or restraint as well as move freely.  If you work hard you can be rewarded.  I know plenty of immigrant families (mine and my wifes included), both came here with nothing, lived together in multi-family settings, worked hard and saved hard and now live very nice lifestyles.  It’s lazy freeloaders who are the main problem in my eyes and most of those aren’t immigrants but more big city people.  The masses are asses and it'd be a start to have mandatory drug testing for Welfare and the unemployed.

I’m dual citizenship US and Canada and I have over 20 relatives sprinkled across Canada and they all talk politics especially that they have to come to the States to get medical care because the wait for treatment is many times months and months in Canada.  That being said, if the Dems win the White House in Nov, as a citizen of the USA, I will support the new President which is patriotic and more than I can say for you sadly.
« Last Edit: May 22, 2020, 09:09:44 PM by OneandDone »


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Re: Corona virus
« Reply #77 on: May 24, 2020, 03:59:05 PM »
This is like Facebook without pictures or identities. Some of you need to step your game up!

Great point.  If I want to waste time talking shit to people about my political beliefs and bias or their political belief or bias, I have a gazillion places I can do that.  Can we just stick to and get back to a discussion of the California hockey scene here?   


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Re: Corona virus
« Reply #78 on: May 25, 2020, 01:23:27 PM »
We would probably be closer to getting back to hockey by now if the response to the situation had come from a sound (hell I would be ok with somewhat solid) federal response based on science. Ya ya...I know what “them folks” think of science. That is a lost cause like some of the consistent combative people on here. Instead, states had to figure it out on their own. Had the entire US shut down even a week sooner and at the same time, it would have made a HUGE (one of Trumps fav words) difference in terms of the numbers of infections and deaths, resulting in a faster and safer re-opening for all. Travel hockey this season is probably not going to happen because of the variance in dates and restrictions across the states and Canada.


  • Mite
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Re: Corona virus
« Reply #79 on: May 26, 2020, 07:35:10 PM »

Don't mean to intercept, but fwiw, I see scaha/caha going  this route :/


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Re: Corona virus
« Reply #80 on: May 26, 2020, 07:51:58 PM »

Don't mean to intercept, but fwiw, I see scaha/caha going  this route :/
I don’t think that would be the case.  WSHL lost a majority of their teams to the USPHL and the Covid crisis limited their ability to form a league around the remaining members. 


  • Mite
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Re: Corona virus
« Reply #81 on: May 26, 2020, 09:45:40 PM »
Hope you guys are right.  Sure would stink not to have  season.