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Author Topic: Tryouts Postponed  (Read 22093 times)

Hockey sophist

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Re: Tryouts Postponed
« Reply #30 on: June 13, 2020, 07:14:05 AM »
Thanks Landshark.  That is promising data.   Unless you are a parent over 75 which is probably rare.   

Still not sure of the wisdom of playing AAA hockey in AZ even in the best of times unless one wants their teenager to live with a local family and/or have a lot of money to burn.   In another era, let my daughters live out of state for competitive swimming.  It contributed to their swimming success but, in retrospect, maybe not the correct choice in terms of overall life development.   Too much emphasis on sport and not enough on academic and life development.  But hockey is a better, more interesting, and more social sport.  Having one's face in the water 5 hours a day is a waste. 


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Re: Tryouts Postponed
« Reply #31 on: June 13, 2020, 07:42:22 AM »
Arizona is increasing from 2 to 3 AAA teams starting this season. I'm guessing with their tryouts scheduled for July, many kids are going to get anxious for a team and head out to Phoenix for a look.

In CAHA's announcement about tryouts, they did allow the possibility for Tier 1 teams to choose their teams ahead of tryouts. Maybe this factored into their decision.
For sure. I know a couple of New England area T1 coaches who told me they have heard from Cal kids looking for spots. If they're reaching out to that end of the country, you can bet they're contacting the three AZ orgs which are less than an hour away via air.


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Re: Tryouts Postponed
« Reply #32 on: June 13, 2020, 01:00:27 PM »
I am not advocating AZ. It's a swill of sweat and hot ugliness. I just think we should stay up to date with our concerns.   Nothing more.


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Re: Tryouts Postponed
« Reply #33 on: June 13, 2020, 03:15:09 PM »
Sophist, so sick of your political agenda.  Guess what?  Thousands and thousands of people stood right next to each other in protests, some with masks some without.  The first protests in Minnesota were May 26, over 19 days ago.  We were required to be locked down for months and when people protested the lockdows, they were condemned by the media saying how dare they risk others lives.  Now, 19 days after thousands (many thousands more than any lockdown protests) stood breaking every social distance recommendation, screaming and coughing, NO SPIKE IN CASES. Stop your FEARMONGERING.

Same in New York City, etc…

The virus is spreading from New York westward and southward so our numbers are climbing and they will continue to climb a bit more (IMO) lockdown or not.  If you are old or vulnerable, stay inside and take every precaution.  The so called experts have admitted wrongdoing:

Sorry, back to hockey!

2 Cups in LA

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Re: Tryouts Postponed
« Reply #34 on: June 13, 2020, 07:05:59 PM »
Landshark I prefer to listen to Dr. Fauci.


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Re: Tryouts Postponed
« Reply #35 on: June 13, 2020, 10:41:24 PM »
Please do. Take in all you can. It's not a competition to see how informed you can be.

The CDC and the NIH deserve to be heard and respected.

I haven't heard Fauci's comments on how age affects the progression of the illness. Illuminate us.


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Re: Tryouts Postponed
« Reply #36 on: June 14, 2020, 08:08:15 PM »
Article in Nature magazine:

But other studies, including some from South Korea, Italy and Iceland, where testing was more widespread, have observed lower infection rates among children. Some studies from China also support the suggestion that children are less susceptible to infection. One, published in Science on 29 April2, analysed data from Hunan, where the contacts of people with known infections had been traced and tested for the virus. The authors found that for every infected child under the age of 15, there were close to 3 people infected between the ages of 20 and 64.

A study3 of a cluster of cases in the French Alps describes one nine-year-old who attended three schools and a skiing class while showing symptoms of COVID-19, but did not infect a single person. “It would be almost unheard of for an adult to be exposed to that many people and not infect anyone else,” says Munro.

Kirsty Short, a virologist at the University of Queensland in Brisbane, Australia, led an as-yet unpublished meta-analysis of several household studies, including some from countries that had not closed schools at the time, such as Singapore. She found that children are rarely the first person to bring the infection into a home; they had the first identified case in only roughly 8% of households. By comparison, children had the first identified case during outbreaks of H5N1 avian influenza in some 50% of households, the study reports.

Few studies exist of transmission from schools to the broader community, but an Australian report from an ongoing investigation suggests that it’s limited, and much lower than with other respiratory viruses, such as influenza. Among more than 850 people who had been in contact with 9 students and 9 staff members confirmed to have COVID-19 in primary and high schools in the state of New South Wales, only two cases of COVID-19 were recorded among those contacts, both in children.

Not a slam dunk, but lots of evidence that kids rarely suffer much from the virus and don't seem to spread it in the same way adults do.  There is a limit to this effect when the kid gets into the mid to high teens (15+) they start to look more like adults, although the danger to them specifically is extremely low. Also keep in mind that cases of Covid-19 are clearly incredibly underreported.  It was in the country before it became a household name or was clearly understood as a risk by the medical community, and tests continue to be unreliable or hard to get.  It's still very hard to get a test for antibodies. 

But one could look at a study in Chelsea, MA where 200 random people walking the streets of Chelsea were tested, and it was found that 30% had antibodies. That study was in April!

A statistical analysis from the Imperial College of London concluded that the likely level of infection in MA is 10x the reported number, again because many infected people were never tested, and this will undoubtably continue for some time.

I'm not saying this isn't a lethal virus for the sick and elderly.  It's an undeniable fact at this point, given the 117k+ deaths attributed to the disease.  But we can not continue to force the world to live in a bubble and prevent young people who are not facing any substantial risk from Covid-19 from resuming their lives to some degree, because people who 70+ years of age have a 4-15% chance of dying from it.  If you have Heart disease you have a 10% chance of dying from Covid-19.  If you have Diabetes it's 7.3%.  You also are substantial risk of dying from the flu with these same diseases. 

We have techniques to slow the spread of the disease and protect ourselves, but the vast majority of us already have a healthy immune system that can fight it off.  If 13% of the population of massachussets already has had Covid-19 and survived, and 16% of New York residents have had it, then mortality rates are vastly overstated.   

I won't pretend to have the perfect prescription for how fast things should open up or what measures should be instituted, beyond those that are currently underway, but I can tell you that much of the country and the world at large is moving in that direction. 

Lots of people have been watching Sweden closely as they chose not to quarantine at any point, and still have faced roughly the same mortality rates.

While other countries were slamming on the brakes, Sweden kept its borders open, allowed restaurants and bars to keep serving, left preschools and grade schools in session and placed no limits on public transport or outings in local parks. Hairdressers, yoga studios, gyms and even some cinemas have remained open.

Gatherings of more than 50 people are banned. Museums have closed and sporting events have been canceled. At the end of March, the authorities banned visits to nursing homes.

That’s roughly it. There are almost no fines, and police officers can only ask people to oblige. Pedestrians wearing masks are generally stared at as if they have just landed from Mars.

As of May 1, the estimated % of the population recovered was 26%.  If there is a lesson from Sweden, it's that what is really needed is hyperfocus on the people most at risk, which is the elderly and those battling life threatening disease.  These are the people who need to be protected, and around whom additional precautions are required.  The eldercare system and healthcare system is the battleground for Covid-19, not the hockey rinks and ball fields of the world. 


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Re: Tryouts Postponed
« Reply #37 on: June 15, 2020, 02:15:51 PM »
Landshark I prefer to listen to Dr. Fauci.
that's funny!!!


  • Peewee
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Re: Tryouts Postponed
« Reply #38 on: June 17, 2020, 10:49:19 PM »
This is the best thread ever!  Hilarious!

Next season will be a bust.  Send ur kid to another state only to play 2 months before another shutdown.   Get over it.  Next season is a wash and will get shortened then canceled again. 

Also... Mayan calendar predicts end of the world is in June 21, 2020!  GOOD LUCK!


  • Mite
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Re: Tryouts Postponed
« Reply #39 on: June 22, 2020, 09:26:38 AM »
CAHA was supposed to have a meeting and come to a decision about tryouts, Tier 1 team formation,etc. Perhaps if we are very good they will let us know their plans before August.


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Re: Tryouts Postponed
« Reply #40 on: June 22, 2020, 01:59:00 PM »
Do you mean this?

Pursuant to prior advisement, CAHA during its Annual Board Meeting held on 6/20/20, reviewed the COVID-19 landscape and its continued impact upon youth sports and voted to keep the CAHA tryout calendar as previously posted. The Board also voted to NOT allow team rostering/formation at any level until after tryouts. CAHA will continue to monitor the COVID-19 situation and not later than two weeks prior to tryouts, the CAHA Board will convene a Special Meeting to assess if tryouts remain a viable option at that time.


  • Mite
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Re: Tryouts Postponed
« Reply #41 on: June 22, 2020, 02:20:22 PM »
Geez. No news news, I suppose.

Anyone want to carpool to Phoenix for tryouts in a couple weeks?  :)
I found a great shitbox in Tempe we can use as a flophouse for the season. BYOAM (bring your own air mattress)

Hockey sophist

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Re: Tryouts Postponed
« Reply #42 on: June 22, 2020, 05:50:02 PM »
Do you mean this?

Pursuant to prior advisement, CAHA during its Annual Board Meeting held on 6/20/20, reviewed the COVID-19 landscape and its continued impact upon youth sports and voted to keep the CAHA tryout calendar as previously posted. The Board also voted to NOT allow team rostering/formation at any level until after tryouts. CAHA will continue to monitor the COVID-19 situation and not later than two weeks prior to tryouts, the CAHA Board will convene a Special Meeting to assess if tryouts remain a viable option at that time.
Wow, I am very cautious about Covid-19 and skeptical about the rationality of a season this year but this seems overly cautious to apply to everyone especially Tier 1 families.   Despite anxieties, we are looking forward to the pre-tryout clinics and tryouts.  If they had early August tryouts and team formation or late July and things go badly in terms of the pandemic, they could still postpone or cancel things.   Starting so late also creates issues for potential high school players who may need to commit to a team earlier.   


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Re: Tryouts Postponed
« Reply #43 on: June 22, 2020, 08:53:40 PM »
Does anyone know how the LA Jr Kings U18AAA team is shaping up? Are they gonna be competitive? or what's the deal with them?


  • Mite
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Re: Tryouts Postponed
« Reply #44 on: June 23, 2020, 09:09:23 AM »
Do you mean this?

Pursuant to prior advisement, CAHA during its Annual Board Meeting held on 6/20/20, reviewed the COVID-19 landscape and its continued impact upon youth sports and voted to keep the CAHA tryout calendar as previously posted. The Board also voted to NOT allow team rostering/formation at any level until after tryouts. CAHA will continue to monitor the COVID-19 situation and not later than two weeks prior to tryouts, the CAHA Board will convene a Special Meeting to assess if tryouts remain a viable option at that time.

Yes this is what I was waiting for, such as it is. I'm not sure it's a good idea to come across so uncertain. Tbird tryouts are this weekend and Arizona is in 2 weeks.