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Author Topic: Tryouts are pushed agaoin  (Read 94471 times)


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Re: Tryouts are pushed agaoin
« Reply #120 on: July 29, 2020, 11:18:24 AM »
okay.. this is getting like religion.   I am trying to be as clear as possible.  Its NOT THE KIDS that will be impacted.    KIDS become carriers and spread it to people unknowingly.  I am worried about who gets indirectly infected.   Its called transmission by a carrier.  The Kid is the carrier, the the one who most likely will die.    This is exactly what CDC and state is worried about.
you need to get updated facts, studies find that kids do not transmit the virus. Infected kids are not passing the virus on to other family members. That's why the CDC is recommending that the schools open.


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Re: Tryouts are pushed agaoin
« Reply #121 on: July 29, 2020, 01:31:14 PM »
You should read your own advice. Whatever you are reading is lying to you.

There have been no peer-reviewed studies on this at all. Just some observations with no control over any variables. And the work that has been done has shown that the seeming lack of transmission is really only for kids 9 and under.  Teenagers spread it at about the same rate as anyone else as far as anyone can tell. And since this is a BANTAM board...


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Re: Tryouts are pushed agaoin
« Reply #122 on: July 29, 2020, 03:49:14 PM »
Udh, only my usual hint of sarcasm.  But to be serious, i really get messed up with respiratory illness.  Its no picnic going through it.  I can tell you that you really struggle to breath.  You have to only think about taking your next breath and you really have to focus on that - at the expense of everything else.  For about 3 days.  Because of this,  I have made every effort to avoid crowds, events, gatherings.    Have been to ralphs and CVS. - you go early in am, or late - quick in - quick out, social distancing and masks, but still you worry. 

As long as the state says no to youth sports - indoor contact youth sports - there is not much organizations can do.   I do understand the desire to keep moving and living life - you cannot live life in a box - and call it a life to some degree.   

Sweden may have the last laugh.  Their strategy was to go for herd immunity.   NY State has done admirable as well with a lockdown mentality.  They are twice the size of Sweden.       Sweden Cases: 80k, deaths:5.7k.    NY Cases: 418k, 32k deaths.    I feel it could have been far worse in NY had they taken Sweden approach,   We will know at the end of this year.  This is all guess work non the less. 
In any case, its just a crap sandwich -  I remember the worst thing when I was a kid was being snowed out of school for 2 weeks.   
My parents had it different, they lived through all sorts of killers, Scarlet Fever, measles, mumps, polio, small pox.   A veritable land mine of things what could maim or kill kids.  This guy seems to not rough kids up too much all things given.  It roughs up people based upon genetics and pre-dispositions.

What I do hope happens is that when the green light is given by the state, its a solid green light.  So we can get going and not have to worry about putting the breaks on
« Last Edit: July 29, 2020, 03:53:46 PM by fistocuffs »


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Re: Tryouts are pushed agaoin
« Reply #123 on: July 29, 2020, 06:30:53 PM »
Well, wishing you the best and good luck getting through it.  My point with Sweden and New York is that the saturation through the population is when the virus will slow.  New York and the surrounding areas have one of the worst cases and deaths per capita in the civilized world mainly because they were first to get it in US and the Governors were putting covid patients back in nursing homes.  NY did a horrible job IMO and the results now show they are mostly through it.  Many peoples T-cells from previous infections reject the virus from the start and the serological tests done in NYC are around 25%.  Other states are now catching up and then will slow.  Sweden has done a much better job and the numbers speak for themselves.  Only time will tell and it's best to remain cautious but living in fear has it's own negative health consequences.

Case Rate per 100,000
Death Rate per 100,000
New York City*
New York*
*Counts for New York City and New York state are shown separately
Data from

Hopefully there is a steady decline from here in CA and we don't get a second wave so we can get our kids back to the things they love (and us too).


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Re: Tryouts are pushed agaoin
« Reply #124 on: July 30, 2020, 11:52:42 AM »
I also tend to believe in the allusion of control and how statistics will reinforce things that are correlate but do not reflect reality.  Also I sometimes subscribe to Goodhart's law (an adage named after British economist Charles Goodhart, later phrased by anthropologist Marilyn Strathern as When a measure becomes a target, it ceases to be a good measure).

Swedens the closest thing we have to a control group where you have an informal lock down(lais·sez-faire), vs a concerted effort to forced lock down (EU, and Asia - a.k.a Fascist approach), vs a Lockdownish approach (kinda like "ehh - maybe for a few weeks" US approach).

I have been looking at everything six ways from Sunday, and here is what it seems.     

The sooner you locked your country down and better off your country became, once you got it under control meaning you can measure hotspots and stamp them out with people and tools and isolation).  These seem to be the countries that faired pretty good.

I am sure people who had it and were fine are not counted

If you waited a "smidgen too long" or dragged your feet to shut shit down - you were in for a wild ride.  Italy,Spain, France, etc (>10% death rate)

If you were a country that waited too long - And did not take lockdown seriously - you artificially are now dragging it out and causing grief for everyone (Which I believe is us).  USA is somewhat unique in that you could almost view states as countries - since it was pretty much left to the states to manage on their own. 

NY got hit first and hardest.. kinda like close to 10%
Some early hit states between 5% and 10%
The latest hit seems to be below 5%

The numbers are everywhere in the end.       

So i feel if you managed to catch the horse As it was leaving the barn, you had 1/2 a chance of putting that pesky horse back in the barn and locking it up.   
But if you hesitated for any amount of time, you are now simply playing the virus's tune.  (He who hesitates is lost - in a way).

After looking at all the curves,  It is my belief that in the course of the next 60 days things will settle down (partially because enough people are simply staying put and going into self isolation, companies are keeping employees home for the most part) and we will most likely have some sort of season and put all our collective community efforts into making that happen.   I don't think CIF is too far off the mark.

Bottom line, i feel there will be hockey in Nov/Dec.  We just all have to be ready and not worry to much about what it looks like, because it will most likely be a mad scramble


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Re: Tryouts are pushed agaoin
« Reply #125 on: July 31, 2020, 07:51:54 AM »
Really fuckn tired of all you guys who think they are the authority on the virus.  Are we gonna have a season, blah....blah blah. I had the virus, really sucks, youth sports takes a back seat.  So stop spazzing your little Prius driving mind and chill the fuck out.  If it happens, it happens.  If in your daily life your biggest problem is youth hockey, life is good.


  • Peewee
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Re: Tryouts are pushed agaoin
« Reply #126 on: July 31, 2020, 05:40:50 PM »
Really fuckn tired of all you guys who think they are the authority on the virus.  Are we gonna have a season, blah....blah blah. I had the virus, really sucks, youth sports takes a back seat.  So stop spazzing your little Prius driving mind and chill the fuck out.  If it happens, it happens.  If in your daily life your biggest problem is youth hockey, life is good.

Tough morning???!!!   :o   I mean what did you think you were going to get when you clicked here????!!!! ;D


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Re: Tryouts are pushed agaoin
« Reply #127 on: August 01, 2020, 08:36:08 PM »
Sucks when all you Dr Oz's out there dont say shit.
Pussies !!


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Re: Tryouts are pushed agaoin
« Reply #128 on: August 03, 2020, 02:40:29 PM »
Way to kill the thread, Trans. Geez.

Also, can someone please give Rats13 a Face Wash? He can't have 0.
« Last Edit: August 03, 2020, 02:41:51 PM by JackBender »
I'm your Huckleberry


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Re: Tryouts are pushed agaoin
« Reply #129 on: August 03, 2020, 08:58:51 PM »
I know this may seem off topic but I haven’t had any luck finding any info anywhere online. We’re planning a move from Alaska to SOCal. I have two boys that absolutely love playing comp hockey and I’m curious how things work in the south west area. If somebody could fill me in on their daily schedule with kids in hockey and work schedules. We have it pretty good up here, home in 10 min, to the rink in 20 min. I’m concerned I won’t be able to do the commute for practice and games. Thank you.


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Re: Tryouts are pushed agaoin
« Reply #130 on: August 04, 2020, 08:27:55 AM »
Somewhat depends on the rink where you'll be playing and where you're going to be living.  I'd suggest, that if you don't want to commute, to live near the rink.  At our rink we are there 4 days a week.  If we had a long commute it really suck.  For games, you will be way around that.  On any given sunday, at least in normal times, you could go as far north as Bakersfield, as far south as San Diego, and as far east as Riverside.  (That's for A/B hockey...not sure about tier hockey) Expect to commute to play hockey in socal.

Tara Rezad

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Re: Tryouts are pushed agaoin
« Reply #131 on: August 04, 2020, 11:42:25 AM »
Really fuckn tired of all you guys who think they are the authority on the virus.  Are we gonna have a season, blah....blah blah. I had the virus, really sucks, youth sports takes a back seat.  So stop spazzing your little Prius driving mind and chill the fuck out.  If it happens, it happens.  If in your daily life your biggest problem is youth hockey, life is good.

I've been lurking here for a good amount of time, but never felt compelled to post until reading this. So I signed up just to write this.

I am a hockey mom with 3 sons who have played at every level from inhouse to D1. We've experienced every phase of the highs, lows, hopes and dreams, harsh realities, sacrifices and shuffled priorities that come with the youth hockey life. We've gone from the thrill of that first mite goal to a dizzying one-goal loss for the D1 national championship.

We've also made all of the expectations adjustments, from "our kid is the next Connor McD!" to our kid will have fun in beer league while working 9-to-5 to support his family.

And after all of that, I can tell you this...


Anyone fixated on squeezing juice out of the upcoming season at any cost by forcing and finagling ice time under current conditions has some seriously f***-up priorities and needs to re-evaluate.

I tell you this with perspective as well, as our dear friend's son, age 16, DIED 2 weeks ago in Florida. Not just died... talking horrific, tortuous suffering. Basically drowning alive. At age 16. Because he had to be be in the gym to train with his buddies (albeit for football, not hockey).

So take this perspective for what it's worth. If you could witness the living hell of Covid's reality up close and for real, through the hearts of the parents who lost their athlete teenage son, I'd wager you'd stop all of your circuitous planning and plotting to get ice time under these conditions--even if your kid truly is the next Connor McD.

Anyway, I won't be posting again to respond to ignorant claims of "if you're scared stay home" and "sheep" and "it's risky just crossing the street." Every time I read them, I know with 100% certainty that the person speaking these words is either truly, dangerously, blissfully ignorant, or just incredibly selfish, putting a game above their child's safety.

Good luck to all.

« Last Edit: August 04, 2020, 11:42:48 AM by Tara Rezad »

Hockey sophist

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Re: Tryouts are pushed agaoin
« Reply #132 on: August 04, 2020, 03:05:25 PM »
Thank you for the grounded (in experience) perspective.   You bring a voice of sanity to the issue.


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Re: Tryouts are pushed agaoin
« Reply #133 on: August 04, 2020, 03:27:55 PM »
Really fuckn tired of all you guys who think they are the authority on the virus.  Are we gonna have a season, blah....blah blah. I had the virus, really sucks, youth sports takes a back seat.  So stop spazzing your little Prius driving mind and chill the fuck out.  If it happens, it happens.  If in your daily life your biggest problem is youth hockey, life is good.

I've been lurking here for a good amount of time, but never felt compelled to post until reading this. So I signed up just to write this.

I am a hockey mom with 3 sons who have played at every level from inhouse to D1. We've experienced every phase of the highs, lows, hopes and dreams, harsh realities, sacrifices and shuffled priorities that come with the youth hockey life. We've gone from the thrill of that first mite goal to a dizzying one-goal loss for the D1 national championship.

We've also made all of the expectations adjustments, from "our kid is the next Connor McD!" to our kid will have fun in beer league while working 9-to-5 to support his family.

And after all of that, I can tell you this...


Anyone fixated on squeezing juice out of the upcoming season at any cost by forcing and finagling ice time under current conditions has some seriously f***-up priorities and needs to re-evaluate.

I tell you this with perspective as well, as our dear friend's son, age 16, DIED 2 weeks ago in Florida. Not just died... talking horrific, tortuous suffering. Basically drowning alive. At age 16. Because he had to be be in the gym to train with his buddies (albeit for football, not hockey).

So take this perspective for what it's worth. If you could witness the living hell of Covid's reality up close and for real, through the hearts of the parents who lost their athlete teenage son, I'd wager you'd stop all of your circuitous planning and plotting to get ice time under these conditions--even if your kid truly is the next Connor McD.

Anyway, I won't be posting again to respond to ignorant claims of "if you're scared stay home" and "sheep" and "it's risky just crossing the street." Every time I read them, I know with 100% certainty that the person speaking these words is either truly, dangerously, blissfully ignorant, or just incredibly selfish, putting a game above their child's safety.

Good luck to all.


How terrible!?!  I tried to search for a story regarding a 16 year old boy dying in Florida, but there are no reports of a 16 year old boy dying there.  Can you point us to a gofundme or something for his family?


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Re: Tryouts are pushed agaoin
« Reply #134 on: August 04, 2020, 03:53:37 PM »
This is basically a post about hockey issues for Bantams.
And yes, virus has effect on that - hence we have a lot of discussions on that.
But I still wonder- why people whose priorities are not hockey (God forbid) still posting here and even take time to read it write.  That is really a puzzle to me.

And yes, seeing tons of kids and parents on the ice I can probably assume that their life is still good.
Not everyone is sick or losing friends (and for unrelated reasons either). Maybe this is not the place for personal stories. Just maybe.

There are kids shot now in big cities almost every day -
so why we then not start talking about that?

People die and get born everyday. It is sad and joy every day

So far have not seen that it stopped people to move forward.

And I know that a lot of guys think the same way just won't post it like that. And I am ready for face washes from moms and dads - I do not give a damn, I am not for the polls.

Back to Bantams - rumor is CAHA will have a meeting this weekend  - to allow AA form tournament rosters...