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Author Topic: Tryouts are pushed agaoin  (Read 94490 times)


  • Squirt
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Re: Tryouts are pushed agaoin
« Reply #135 on: August 04, 2020, 04:51:41 PM »
Yeah - we did nothing after Sandyhook, why would take care of our kids now? Thoughts and prayers, everyone.


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Re: Tryouts are pushed agaoin
« Reply #136 on: August 04, 2020, 05:06:29 PM »
If we are for stories - I'll tell you a story on Sandyhook - it happened when we were in-house. We were supposed to have a pizza party that day after the practice.
After watching TV for an hour we personally did not feel like partying that day - our kids were same age.
So I posted on TeamSnap (or whatever we had back then) - due to events today maybe we postpone a party.
During practice parents kinda avoided talking to me (except one) and I heard hush-hush "we are going to a party" whispers.
We were not born in this country and somehow felt "related" and truly thought it's not a day for joy. We told our son that, and he was OK.

After that I asked several American buddies - why so? (in my country there would be national mourning, no funny entertainment on TV etc.) .
Basically the answer was - it's unrelated, too far away. we do not feel "connected" to that.

I figured - nobody gives a damn until it's in your yard (or in friend's yard - like that first post mom's). People are living in subjective idealism - if I do not see it /feel it personally -  it does not exist.

Shooting, looting, piling up corpses (NY couple month ago) damn crap happen all over the country - yet, someone got Covid (trans) and only then he says "shut up",
someone friend got killed - only then "yeah, straight your priorities".

You know what - you guys shut the f. up. As you care only and when it hurts you personally.

Life goes on for others, you know...


  • Squirt
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Re: Tryouts are pushed agaoin
« Reply #137 on: August 04, 2020, 09:39:07 PM »

I tell you this with perspective as well, as our dear friend's son, age 16, DIED 2 weeks ago in Florida. Not just died... talking horrific, tortuous suffering. Basically drowning alive. At age 16. Because he had to be be in the gym to train with his buddies (albeit for football, not hockey).

As of 8/3/20 in Florida there have been 7 juvenile deaths according to CNN.

A 9 year old girl with no underlying conditions

An 11 year old with serious underlying conditions

An 11 year old girl with a genetic condition called Trisomy 13, making her even more susceptible to infectious diseases and severe illness.

A 16 year old girl who battled a host of health issues, including cancer and a rare autoimmune disorder June 23.

A 16 year old girl who had pre-existing conditions including spina bifida and hydrocephalus July 29

A 17 year old with unknown conditions and still under investigation prior to June 22

And a 17 year old boy who died on Sunday 8/2/20 at Johns Hopkins All Children’s Hospital in St. Petersburg and is still under investigation.

I didn't find any report of a 16 year old boy. I offer my deepest condolences if true but regardless, the numbers speak for themselves.  In 2017-18 there were 172 under 18 flu related deaths in Florida alone and not a word about it by the media.

You can listen to the media/news and be sad and depressed every day.  I can find a story from somewhere in the world that will ruin my day whenever I want - today Beruit.  Not saying there aren’t issues worth fighting for, but there are places in the world where inhumane and horrible things happen everyday - China, Africa, Middle East, South America, and the USA - and if you watch enough news, you will be depressed and likely fooled.  Information and FALSE information overload are killing our societies happiness.  In Florida, 6 infants die for every 1000 births.  Based on an average of 220,000 births a year in Florida that's 1320 infant/newborn deaths a year.  Stop the birthing process!!!

I don’t play the lottery because I know the odds are ridiculous.  If my “healthy kid” who’s been in lockdown for 5 months wants to drive to the hockey rink - which has taken every precaution and been allowed to open - and skate with other healthy kids and then come home to his healthy parents, I know odds are I’m more likely to win the lottery than die from Covid.  Not saying everyone should do it, and as said before, if you’re at risk or have family members at risk, stay home, stay safe, but we can weigh the risks ourselves and determine what is best for our family.  Most, if not all, have been doing their part to wear masks, socially distance, flatten the curve, etc. 

A lock down has way more negative health consequences to children mentally, physically and emotionally than Covid - period.  Who's selfish now?
« Last Edit: August 04, 2020, 10:26:55 PM by UhhhhDuhhhh »


  • Peewee
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Re: Tryouts are pushed agaoin
« Reply #138 on: August 05, 2020, 10:59:34 AM »
Wow.  that was alot of research to drop hints another person is wrong.  What a horrible way to prove some point


  • Mite
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Re: Tryouts are pushed agaoin
« Reply #139 on: August 05, 2020, 11:31:50 AM »
I had looked up the Florida numbers too, just to check on any 16-year-old deaths of a boy.  Maybe that poster can clarify if she/he did mean the boy they know died from covid?

I read one magazine article (I think in the Atlantic) that basically said some people are behaving as if having fun in and of itself can spread the virus.  That’s why so many articles are illustrated with photographs of the beaches, when it’s actually probably a good thing to get out to the beach.  This is in fact a time when we should all be thinking about building health, not diminishing it with further lockdowns and keeping our kids in their bedrooms.

Multiple studies by extremely reputable doctors are showing that one of the most significant covid co-morbidities is obesity.  We’re still learning a lot, but it’s worth noting that Vietnam, a high-population country with (last I heard) a single covid death, is also one of the most slender countries on the planet.  Japan is a high-population country with a huge elderly cohort.  They’ve done some soft and somewhat reluctant lockdowns, and they haven’t done a lot of testing.  They too are one of the least obese countries on the planet.  (I should mention that they’ve been diligent about wearing masks.). They’ve had some deaths, yes, but nothing even remotely approaching what European countries and the U.S. have seen.

There are other countries (Hong Kong & New Zealand) that were rigorous in the methods that they used to prevent spread of the virus.  These are countries with small, highly motivated populations, i.e. not the United States.

Australia did everything right according to the experts: hard lockdown, testing, tracing.  They’re experiencing a surge in some areas, and those areas are now on hard lockdown again.

And, of course, Sweden…

The fact is, we don’t know what is the best way to respond to this virus.  And we are in danger of destroying the nation with these lockdowns.  You cannot throw this many people on unemployment, print up money nonstop, and think that your country will survive: it won’t. The future belongs to our kids.  Let’s give them a path forward.


  • Squirt
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Re: Tryouts are pushed agaoin
« Reply #140 on: August 05, 2020, 11:38:22 AM »

Not just died... talking horrific, tortuous suffering. Basically drowning alive. At age 16.

Wow.  that was alot of research to drop hints another person is wrong.  What a horrible way to prove some point

 No, just sick and tired of fearmongering and scare tactics with no basis in truth - but thanks for admitting that the point was proven.


  • Peewee
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Re: Tryouts are pushed agaoin
« Reply #141 on: August 05, 2020, 01:39:29 PM »
Fear mongering.  doubt it.   You just want to play hockey, any you simply bully and yell at people to do not agree.  UhhhDuhhh.  I completely understand where the state and local heath officials are saying things you do not like, you simply label it fake.  And i do understand that when a whole group of people are trying to follow the rules as other countries have (and are now enjoying a pretty good back to normal for the moment), you just want to cut to the end.  And certainly, to not want to participate as you are immune from this.  Your need to play hockey trumps everyone else who does not share your version of reality:

The State must be fear mongering - go yell at them - your drum beating is getting old.  We get it.  You want to play and play you will.   For government documents the below is refreshingly simple to read and follow - Hockey (an indoor close contact team youth sport) is not in the cards yet.    This is not fear talking, this is fact - literally - a factual document from the state.   

Consistent with the July 20, 2020 announcement of the California Interscholastic Federation, this document provides guidance for all youth sports programs—including school-based, club, and recreational programs—to support a safe environment for players, coaches and trainers, families, spectators, event/program/facility managers, workers, and volunteers. For further guidance related to school settings, please see this updated guidance for schools and school-based programs.

NOTE: The risk of transmitting the COVID-19 virus depends on several factors germane to sports, including:

•Number of people in a location
•Type of location (indoor versus outdoor)
•Distance between people
•Length of time at a location
•Physical contact between people
•Touching of shared objects
•Use of face coverings
•Mixing of people from locations with different levels of community transmission

As general guidance, smaller groups are safer than larger; outdoor locations are safer than indoor; sports that can ensure distance of six feet or more are safer than close contact; and shorter duration is safer than longer.

Leagues, coaches, parents, and athletes need to consider all these factors as they plan to return to play.

• Outdoor and indoor sporting events, assemblies, and other activities that require close contact or that would promote congregating are not permitted at this time. For example, tournaments, events, or competitions, regardless of whether teams are from the same school or from different schools, counties, or states are not permitted at this time.

•Youth sports and physical education are permitted only when the following can be maintained:

(1) physical distancing of at least six feet; and
(2) a stable cohort, such as a class, that limits the risks of transmission (see CDC Guidance on Schools and Cohorting).

Activities should take place outside to the maximum extent practicable.

•For sports that cannot be conducted with sufficient distancing or cohorting, only physical conditioning and training is permitted and ONLY where physical distancing can be maintained.  Conditioning and training should focus on individual skill-building (e.g., running drills and body weight resistance training) and should take place outside, where practicable. Indoor physical conditioning and training is allowed only in counties where gyms and fitness centers are allowed to operate indoors.

•Avoid equipment sharing, and if unavoidable, clean and disinfect shared equipment between use by different people to reduce the risk of COVID-19 spread.

•Consistent with guidance for gyms and fitness facilities, cloth face coverings must be worn during indoor physical conditioning and training or physical education classes (except when showering).

Activities that require heavy exertion should be conducted outside in a physically distanced manner without face coverings. Activities conducted inside should be those that do not require heavy exertion and can be done with a face covering. Players should take a break from exercise if any difficulty in breathing is noted and should change their mask or face covering if it becomes wet and sticks to the player’s face and obstructs breathing. Masks that restrict airflow under heavy exertion (such as N-95 masks) are not advised for exercise.

•Youth sports programs and schools should provide information to parents or guardians regarding this and related guidance, along with the safety measures that will be in place in these settings with which parents or guardians must comply.


  • Squirt
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Re: Tryouts are pushed agaoin
« Reply #142 on: August 05, 2020, 02:32:00 PM »
At what point did I say one thing about wanting to skip to the end?  At what point did I say anything about wanting to play hockey other than the fact that rinks are now open and kids are playing hockey - as we speak.  I could care less if there is a hockey season.  As a matter of fact, I would prefer there not be a season as it seems like a waste of money considering how it will likely be set up. I was making the point as many others here have that kids are playing hockey NOW and there are people condemning that.  It's the people that make stuff up and say ridiculous things that actually are fake - like we are out of hospital room and young people will die or spread it like wildfire.  Nobody here has said not to follow the guidelines.  The problem is there are people who obviously have their own agenda - like wanting stricter rules because of their own personal health problems and then assume that if everyone isn't at home 24/7 they are trying to kill them.  People are not trying to kill people, they are just following the guidelines and rules and you think those rules are still too lax because you keep talking about other countries that have locked down harder.  As I said before, good luck getting through this time in your life, but I won't be fearful to appease anyone.   
« Last Edit: August 05, 2020, 02:52:03 PM by UhhhhDuhhhh »


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Re: Tryouts are pushed agaoin
« Reply #143 on: August 05, 2020, 03:11:45 PM »
Never ask you for approval of my opinions or your appeasement.  This is a chat board.  People chat.


  • Peewee
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Re: Tryouts are pushed agaoin
« Reply #144 on: August 05, 2020, 04:01:40 PM »
People do chat - the chat board is called "Bantam AA" - I think it would be great to return discussing that rather than anything else - as I can tell you with 100% proof - nobody will prove anything to anybody here.  (And yes, I am to blame to bring up some unrelated stuff as well...)

I'll make an attempt again - rumor is CAHA will be meeting this weekend to allow tier teams to form teams (including AA). That would be a step forward to allow CA teams to participate in USA Hockey sanctioned events/tournaments (who just announced that "hockey is back")

Kids can't practice forever - they want to play games sooner rather than later. And I guess, some clubs are willing to make a "soft lock" on some players.


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Re: Tryouts are pushed agaoin
« Reply #145 on: August 05, 2020, 04:45:20 PM »

I'll make an attempt again - rumor is CAHA will be meeting this weekend to allow tier teams to form teams (including AA).

Tier I teams have already formed up.


  • Peewee
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Re: Tryouts are pushed agaoin
« Reply #146 on: August 06, 2020, 10:57:41 AM »
People do chat - the chat board is called "Bantam AA" - I think it would be great to return discussing that rather than anything else - as I can tell you with 100% proof - nobody will prove anything to anybody here.  (And yes, I am to blame to bring up some unrelated stuff as well...)

I'll make an attempt again - rumor is CAHA will be meeting this weekend to allow tier teams to form teams (including AA). That would be a step forward to allow CA teams to participate in USA Hockey sanctioned events/tournaments (who just announced that "hockey is back")

Kids can't practice forever - they want to play games sooner rather than later. And I guess, some clubs are willing to make a "soft lock" on some players.

good points -  The ability to play games and practice as a team lies with the State - They currently say no.    Kids cannot practice forever as well.  I do not see the point in creating teams where said teams cannot practice in any real sense or play games in any real sense.   There seems to be a push to play out of state.
I get lost in how these teams will actually practice in CA to prepare.     At the moment there is no such thing as a CA Team.  I saw that USA PSA.  It makes no sense to me - other than a plea for people to register and pay their $$.  I hear they ran out of money.   Something about generating a boat load of $$$ each year, and never really answering where all that cash goes.   I can tell you one thing for sure, It did not go into reserve(s) to save for a rainy day.  Seems they pissed it all away on boondoggles and vacations?

 I would like to know the upside of creating teams now?
I do not see it.  Coaches can buy ice, and do day camps where social distancing can be managed.  Thats about all I can see as viable.   

What would be sad to see, is a few "teams" go to an out of state tourney - catch a cold - come back, then going to day camps and spreading the cold around to what once was a safe group of cohorts. 

What is the upside of creating teams now? When games in CA are still 90+ days out. (this is meant for discussion)


  • Peewee
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Re: Tryouts are pushed agaoin
« Reply #147 on: August 06, 2020, 11:34:46 AM »
There is probably less upside for AA or A making teams yet. It's probably too early.

For AAA there are a few reasons. The first is that membership for those camps that are going on, are going to be based on teams. So you can get a start with at least a subset of your players training together. I expect all CA tournaments and games to be cancelled for a while, and no CA teams to go to the first optional T1EHL tournament in October, but going in November is a possibility. Might as well practice in a safe, controlled environment. One of my kids has done it. It has been fine. My impression is that it's a lot safer than doing a lot of other things that are allowed right now, like going out to an outdoor restaurant. And if someone DOES get sick, one of the main points of the small-group camps is that you can immediately contact trace. And yes, everyone thinking of having their kid attend should consider the risks of the home environment.

The camps I've seen are being done in complete cooperation with the counties. Every process approved. I also believe that county inspectors have been overseeing.


  • Peewee
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Re: Tryouts are pushed agaoin
« Reply #148 on: August 06, 2020, 03:10:54 PM »
So in this regard - what's the difference between AA and AAA on forming teams - same "camps" can be done with selected players.
Especially as we all know that AAA are basically your 3 teams (with some exceptions). Then players instead of going to different coaches (which happens now) can concentrate on a particular coach once selected and camps can slowly transform into team practices more and more.
Plus - more out of state tournaments open up for AA teams as well.

And yes, I understand the concern - but games will happen either way (in or out of state); coaches will be taking kids "for a ride". So sooner CA allows for games to happen - sooner the teams can be "in-house". 


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Re: Tryouts are pushed agaoin
« Reply #149 on: August 06, 2020, 03:43:57 PM »
Out of state play is where this is all heading...