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Author Topic: Tryouts are pushed agaoin  (Read 94465 times)


  • Peewee
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Re: Tryouts are pushed agaoin
« Reply #270 on: November 13, 2020, 05:35:18 PM »
Ehh.  We have had a good stretch.  Prior to antibiotics and vaccines people died a lot more and or were crippled for life If they survived. Just ask FDR

Statistically speaking. If everyone simply stayed at home for 30 days we would not be in the position.
Literally. The virus cannot survive it it cannot be passed on

But.. we seem to not be able to do this. Maybe we need our parents to come back and ground us all for 30days.

We had April.   May.    June.  July.  August.   Sept.   Oct.  to do this. 

We value freedoms more.  And we tend to ignore statistics and opt for the optimistic versions of how the future will treat us

This thing will rage and we will all run around flapping our arms for one thing or another.  And it will not go back to normal until a vaccine is developed. 

In the end though. I get your point.  People accepted death in the 40s and 50s from flu and infections
We just may be heading back into that mode until the virus mutates itself into a non lethal version.   Like most clues do over time

I just want to land on the not dead side of the ledger in the end and I will be pissed if I die from this. And what’s worse. No one will know I’m pissed.. because I would be dead and would not be able to express that thought to the living.

Anyways.  Hockey families are great.  I would rather be with hockey families good or bad then any other group !


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Re: Tryouts are pushed agaoin
« Reply #271 on: November 16, 2020, 01:43:54 PM »


  • Peewee
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Re: Tryouts are pushed agaoin
« Reply #272 on: November 16, 2020, 02:25:45 PM »
Link with 5 long winded videos.... please.   We need the Latino weather gals.

 ;D ;D


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Re: Tryouts are pushed agaoin
« Reply #273 on: November 16, 2020, 04:52:35 PM »

Beer Leaguer

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Re: Tryouts are pushed agaoin
« Reply #274 on: November 16, 2020, 04:59:32 PM »
“Today’s action will remain in effect until the State Public Health Officer determines it is appropriate to make modifications based on public health conditions and data.“
[/color]Is it now subjective instead of data driven?


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Re: Tryouts are pushed agaoin
« Reply #275 on: November 16, 2020, 10:16:35 PM »


I'm not sure what statistics you're referring to, but hockey kids are at close to no risk from covid unless they're obese (unlikely) or have other serious co-morbidities.  Among adults, there are specific cohorts at risk.  With two promising vaccines just around the corner, it makes no sense for anybody who's not at risk to be on any kind of lockdown.  Let people at risk stay home if they want to until a vaccine is ready.  Suicides, suicide attempts, and depression are surging among young people.  At this point, I've read a disheartening number of stories about the catastrophic mental health issues that kids are suffering from now.  What the frick is wrong with the grownups that they would do this to children??

I know exactly one person who died from/with covid. She was 87, and she outlived her daughter who died of cancer in her 60s.  I know an older retired couple who both tested positive.  One lost her sense of smell and taste, and better.  Her husband got sick at home, and better.

Sacramento public schools can't open...but the private school where Newsom's kids go can stay open?  Really??

Yes, people like freedom, as well they should.  The problem is that we are locking down as if everybody is at the same risk.  Save some kids' lives: speak out against this nonsense.  And let kids play ice hockey...and soccer..and baseball...and roller hockey...and...and...we've lost our ability to reason, and kids are suffering as a result.  That's the responsibility of every grownup who continues to panic instead of thinking rationally.


  • Peewee
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Re: Tryouts are pushed agaoin
« Reply #276 on: November 17, 2020, 08:05:29 AM »
A smarter approach is the way to go.  I always think of simply starting with a bubble then expanding out.   I would be very willing to be digitally tracked like the other countries do that have this thing in a managed state. 
Let the data and contact tracing / tracking and quick turn accurate tests rule the day.  If you are negative, and have not been in contact with anyone that has tested positive in last 14 days and you are in social settings where everyone else is the same - then it becomes easier. 

If we segregate based upon perceived risk group,  my concern is who gets to set the rules?  Is it based upon age, genetics?  lifestyle? (people who are young, and go to many many social gatherings and may be asymptomatic are more likely to be super spreaders then someone who socially distances - do they land in a high risk group?- even though they are healthy and young?).  Who polices that and verifies that?  And is  this a case that as long as you land in the low risk group, you support the plan?.  What happens if you are the one (via genetics and health) that is on the outside looking in because "the group" decided you are high risk.  In this case, no hockey for you.  Which puts you back to square one.  Would people who want to get  back to normal are deemed high risk - still support this selective approach?  I don't know.

So, while on paper it makes total sense, I am not sure how one would implement segregation like this.     I feel that it comes down to two points of view.  If you feel this is like a flu, then the solution is to let it run its course and lets get back to normal.

There is no easy answer.   

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Re: Tryouts are pushed agaoin
« Reply #277 on: November 18, 2020, 01:54:29 PM »
Any updates from the CAHA meeting last weekend? 

I'm sympathetic to folks that need to make a living, but that also goes beyond youth hockey.  I don't really understand signing a tier II contract to play games in California with nothing at all realistically on the horizon.  An advantage to playing tier 2 are the extra games in state and a lower cost.   

Is it really best for youth hockey in a year like this, to force players into a contract under the mandate that tournaments teams can no longer be formed? 
Aren't special tournament teams formed every year at various age groups?  I'm just trying to make sense of this. 


  • Peewee
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Re: Tryouts are pushed agaoin
« Reply #278 on: November 18, 2020, 05:30:29 PM »
I feel the smart money is simply waiting.  Doing clinics in pods  and signing on to a tournament team to an out of state event that is allowing games.  That is a known quantity.  Anything more is just guessing with your hard earned money, and feels complicated.   In a normal season, some of these financial commitments are already complex enough.


  • Peewee
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Re: Tryouts are pushed agaoin
« Reply #279 on: November 18, 2020, 07:10:16 PM »

Nice idea... but who takes care of the invalid?

My Uncle is dead. In a home. During lockdown.

My parents are in a retirement home in Canada. They are pretty much locked down. But other people make their meals, clean, keep the place running. Mostly young people with kids. Who can do that and really avoid spreading it? If your answer is 'inevitably they will get it', no. It's been 9 months now. They are alive.

It's impossible to isolate people completely. Especially the aged or infirmed. And once it gets in that kind of environment, it spreads like wildfire. In one Canadian old age home 50 people died within 2 weeks. The workers were stacking bodies like cordwood.

It's all trade-offs. There ARE things we could do. Approve rapid at-home testing, even though it's not perfect for instance. Wouldn't it be great to be able to easily test these teams that are practicing a couple of times a week? Or before and after playing in tournaments out of state? It's a $5 test in Germany. They come in packs of 25 and are similar to pregnancy tests. That's a federal government thing. But they are pretending it just doesn't exist.


I'm not sure what statistics you're referring to, but hockey kids are at close to no risk from covid unless they're obese (unlikely) or have other serious co-morbidities.  Among adults, there are specific cohorts at risk.  With two promising vaccines just around the corner, it makes no sense for anybody who's not at risk to be on any kind of lockdown.  Let people at risk stay home if they want to until a vaccine is ready.  Suicides, suicide attempts, and depression are surging among young people.  At this point, I've read a disheartening number of stories about the catastrophic mental health issues that kids are suffering from now.  What the frick is wrong with the grownups that they would do this to children??

I know exactly one person who died from/with covid. She was 87, and she outlived her daughter who died of cancer in her 60s.  I know an older retired couple who both tested positive.  One lost her sense of smell and taste, and better.  Her husband got sick at home, and better.

Sacramento public schools can't open...but the private school where Newsom's kids go can stay open?  Really??

Yes, people like freedom, as well they should.  The problem is that we are locking down as if everybody is at the same risk.  Save some kids' lives: speak out against this nonsense.  And let kids play ice hockey...and soccer..and baseball...and roller hockey...and...and...we've lost our ability to reason, and kids are suffering as a result.  That's the responsibility of every grownup who continues to panic instead of thinking rationally.


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Re: Tryouts are pushed agaoin
« Reply #280 on: November 20, 2020, 08:37:53 AM »

Nice idea... but who takes care of the invalid?

My Uncle is dead. In a home. During lockdown.

My parents are in a retirement home in Canada. They are pretty much locked down. But other people make their meals, clean, keep the place running. Mostly young people with kids. Who can do that and really avoid spreading it? If your answer is 'inevitably they will get it', no. It's been 9 months now. They are alive.

It's impossible to isolate people completely. Especially the aged or infirmed. And once it gets in that kind of environment, it spreads like wildfire. In one Canadian old age home 50 people died within 2 weeks. The workers were stacking bodies like cordwood.

It's all trade-offs. There ARE things we could do. Approve rapid at-home testing, even though it's not perfect for instance. Wouldn't it be great to be able to easily test these teams that are practicing a couple of times a week? Or before and after playing in tournaments out of state? It's a $5 test in Germany. They come in packs of 25 and are similar to pregnancy tests. That's a federal government thing. But they are pretending it just doesn't exist.

The FDA recently approved a 30 minute rapid at home test.  And California is one of the first places due to get it.  Cost is supposed to be around $50.
« Last Edit: November 20, 2020, 09:34:54 AM by WingNut48 »


  • Peewee
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Re: Tryouts are pushed agaoin
« Reply #281 on: November 20, 2020, 10:38:41 AM »

For some reason it's 10x the cost of the german tests, and requires a prescription.

Seems 'less than ideal'


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Re: Tryouts are pushed agaoin
« Reply #282 on: November 20, 2020, 11:27:17 AM »

Nice idea... but who takes care of the invalid?

My Uncle is dead. In a home. During lockdown.

My parents are in a retirement home in Canada. They are pretty much locked down. But other people make their meals, clean, keep the place running. Mostly young people with kids. Who can do that and really avoid spreading it? If your answer is 'inevitably they will get it', no. It's been 9 months now. They are alive.

It's impossible to isolate people completely. Especially the aged or infirmed. And once it gets in that kind of environment, it spreads like wildfire. In one Canadian old age home 50 people died within 2 weeks. The workers were stacking bodies like cordwood.

It's all trade-offs. There ARE things we could do. Approve rapid at-home testing, even though it's not perfect for instance. Wouldn't it be great to be able to easily test these teams that are practicing a couple of times a week? Or before and after playing in tournaments out of state? It's a $5 test in Germany. They come in packs of 25 and are similar to pregnancy tests. That's a federal government thing. But they are pretending it just doesn't exist.

I get that any life lost is tragic but when you're talking about infirmed and invalid there are very few years of potential life lost .  In life sometimes you have to weigh the lesser of two evils and sadly in Orange County teen suicide calls have increased 8000 percent

That doesn't even take into account the years of potential life lost for people who aren't going to the doctor for routine testing and early detection of other disease; not to mention the fallout we've all yet to feel financially in the coming months/years. The cost to protect people makes no sense when those actions cause more suffering than the disease itself.
« Last Edit: November 20, 2020, 02:30:09 PM by UhhhhDuhhhh »


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Re: Tryouts are pushed agaoin
« Reply #283 on: November 22, 2020, 10:39:51 PM »
Uhhhduhhhh, that story you linked to is *heartbreaking*....


  • Peewee
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Re: Tryouts are pushed agaoin
« Reply #284 on: November 24, 2020, 08:59:06 AM »
Lets go vaccine!  If we indeed have three+ different ways to immunize and we can get it into the population like a flu shot over next 6 months. What a great achievement that would be.