I realize that my comment could be misinterpreted. In my experience, the Gulls #1 team in divisions have been solid and competitive. It's really the 2-n teams that often begin the season punching way too high.
I also can understand that it's not always possible to really gauge where a team is at when the season starts, but by the same token most of the Gulls teams that I took issue with were playing up.
For just about every division, there are going to 2-3 teams that are better than most everyone else, 4-8 teams that will compete in the end of year playoffs, and maybe 10-11 that are in the hunt for an 8 playoff race. Everyone else is category #4 (playing out the string).
Having a PWA division where there are many more teams in category 3 and a lot of teams that are in category 4, just means that your chances of playing games against those teams is much higher, and the overall percentage of playing those games is higher.
If your team is truly capable of playing up and being a category 1 & 2 team in a PWA 20+ division, then PWA makes sense. I just haven't seen it. Case in point, Gulls 2 PWAA last season, dropped to PWA and didn't even make the playoffs.